Dancehall Afrobeats 23.03.2018. KPTM

Dancehall Afrobeats 23.03.2018. KPTM
Cetinjska 15, Beograd

Dancehall i afrobeats muzika imaju posebno mesto u programu kluba KPTM.
Klub KPTM je jedan od retkih klubova koji je ugostio skoro sve DJ-eve i plesače kako iz naše zemlje tako i iz regiona, koji delu jednu istu ljubav prema muzici i plesu Jamajke i Afrike.

Petak 23.mart je upravo rezervisan za takve ritmove.
klub KPTM predstavlja Dancehall Afrobeats friday!!!

DJ Shone Alcapone, osnivač i DJ Couple Up žurki je skoro izbacio svoj novi miks, “Pine & Ginger“. Inspirisani miksom, rešili smo da napravimo posebnu žurku tokom koje ćemo uživati u novim a i starim dancehall afrobeats hitovima. Muziku će birati DJ Shone Alcapone a ulaz na žurku je BESPLATAN do ponoći.

O svim posebnim alkoholnim poslasticama večeri ćemo vas apdejtovati kroz sam event. Prijavite se , pozovite ekipu i 23.marta se vidimo na Jamaci. Oprostite, vidimo se u klubu KPTM.

Ulaz do ponoći free, posle ponoći 200 rsd.Dancehall and afrobeats music have a special place in the KPTM club program.
Club KPTM is one of the few clubs that host almost all DJs and dancers both from our country and from the region, who share the same love of music and dance of Jamaica and Africa.

Friday March 23st is just reserved for such rhythms.
Club KPTM presents Dancehall Afrobeats friday !!!

DJ Shone Alcapone, founder and DJ Couple Up party recently released its new mix, Pine & Ginger. Inspired by the mix, we decided to make a special party during which we will enjoy the new and old dancehall afrobeats hits. Music will be selected by DJ Shone Alcapone and entrance to the party is FREE until midnight.

We will be updating you for all the special alcoholic treats during the evening. Log in, invite the team and on March 23 we will see you at Jamaci. Sorry, I’ll see you at KPTM Club.

Entrance to midnight free, after midnight 200 rsd.


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