Nina Badrić 21.02.2018. Sava Centar

Nina Badrić 21.02.2018. Sava Centar

Posle pune tri godine Nina Badrić ponovno dolazi u Sava Centar.

Dugogodišnja karijera, brojne nagrade, naslovne strane, singlovi koji su vladali i vladaju radijskim top listama, samo su deo njene bogate karijere, a sjajna i verna publika za svaki njen nastup do poslednjeg mesta ispuni i najveće koncertne dvorane. Za Ninu je posebno bila uspešna 2016. godina jer je singl „Dani i godine“ dugo bio na vrhovima top lista i osvojio mnogobrojne nagrade. Pesmu mnogi već smatraju evergrinom, a tome u prilog ide i činjenica da je do sada video spot pregledan više od 15.000.000 puta.

„Čarobno jutro“, „Dodiri od stakla“, „Da se opet tebi vratim“, „Takvi kao ti“, „Moje oči pune lјubavi“ neki su od njenih najvećih hitova koje će, uz još pregršt iznenađenja, podeliti sa beogradskom publikom ,21. februara, u Sava Centru! Ne propustite priliku da budete deo ove posebne atmosfere.

Nedavno je predstavila i novu pesmu „Mijenja se vrijeme“ kojom je oduševila fanove kako samom pesmom tako i novim izgledom.After three years Nina Badric returns to the Sava Center.

Many years of career, numerous awards, cover pages, the singles that dominated and dominated the top radio charts are just a part of her rich career, and a great and faithful audience for each of her performances to the last place fulfills the biggest concert halls. She was especially successful for Nina in 2016 because the single „Days and Years“ was on the top of the charts for a long time and won numerous awards. Many people already regard the song as evergreen, and this is supported by the fact that the video has been viewed over 15,000,000 times so far.

„Magical morning“, „Touch of the glass“, „Let me go back to you“, „Like you“, „My eyes full of love“ are some of her biggest hits that will, with a handful of surprises, be shared with the Belgrade audience, 21. February, in the Sava Center! Do not miss the opportunity to be part of this special atmosphere.

She also recently introduced a new song, „Changing Time,“ which delighted the fans with both the song and the new look.


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