Bestbeat Belgrade's Beatles Tribute 26.01.2018.Fest

Bestbeat Belgrade's Beatles Tribute 26.01.2018.Fest
Pinki, Zemun

Od podruma Cavern kluba – do krova zgrade Apple-a, the Bestbeat vas vode na magično putovanje kroz šezdesete i muziku najvećeg benda XX veka. Svojim dvoipočasovnim programom od preko 60 pesama liverpulskih buba, prvi beogradski the Beatles tribute band ne ostavlja ravnodušnim ni najtvrdokornije the Beatles fanove. Nastupajući u klubovima, pozorištima, koncertnim dvoranama, na festivalima i gradskim trgovima, ovaj kvartet pronosi poruku ljubavi, mira i razumevanja koju su milionima slušalaca širom sveta pre više od četiri decenije podarili John, Paul, George i Ringo. Svima onima koji veruju da All You Need Is Love, the Bestbeat poručuje: We hope you will enjoy the show!
Ulaz 400 dinara
Info /rezervacije 063 700 81 50From Cavern Club Caverns – up to the roof of Apple’s building, the Bestbeat takes you to a magical journey through the sixties and music of the greatest band of the 20th century. With its two-hour program of over 60 songs of Liverpool bugs, Belgrade’s first Beatles tribute band does not leave the Beatles fans indifferent or even the hardest. Performing in clubs, theaters, concert halls, festivals and city squares, this quartet presents a message of love, peace and understanding that John, Paul, George and Ringo have donated to millions of listeners around the world more than four decades ago. For those who believe All You Need Is Love, the Bestbeat says: We hope you will enjoy the show!
Enter 400 dinars
Info / reservations 063 700 81 50


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