Elvis Birthday Party 05.01.2018. Bluz i Pivo

Elvis Birthday Party 05.01.2018. Bluz i Pivo
Cetinjska 15, Beograd

U Petak 5.1.2018 u klubu Bluz i Pivo (Cetinjska 15),
u periodu od 22 do 04h , održaće se žurka povodom obeležavanja rodjenja Kralja Rock and Roll-a Elvis Presley-ja.
Puštaće se R’n’R, Blues, Soul, Funky i Pop hitovi
iz 50-ih, 60-ih i 70-ih godina,
kao i retki koncertni i studijski snimci specijalno probrani za ovu godišnjicu.
Muziku bira rezident DJ kluba Bluz i Pivo, Tip Top Charlie.
Ulaz je besplatan a rezrervacija stolova po potrebi
može da se obavi na kontak telefon kluba.
Vidimo se!On Friday, 5.1.2018 at Club Blues & Beer (Cetinjska 15),
in the period from 22 to 04h, a birthday of Elvis Presley’s king of Rock and Roll.
R’n’R, Blues, Soul, Funky and Pop hits will be released
from the 50s, 60s and 70s,
as well as rare concerts and studio recordings specially selected for this anniversary.
The music is chosen by the resident of the DJ club Blues and Beer, Top Charlie type.
The entrance is free and the tables are reserved as needed
can be done at the contact of the club.
See you!


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