Pozivamo Vas da nam se pridružite u sredu 10. januara, od 18 časova, i svojim prisustvom uveličate svečano otvaranje velike izložbe „100 najlepših slika Srbije„.
Izložba će biti održana u prostorijama „Dorćol Platz-a“ (Dobračina 59b) i trajaće do 16. januara, a tokom šest izložbenih dana biće predstavljeno sto fotografija Srbije koje su, na nedavno završenom velikom foto-konkursu u organizaciji našeg portala, dobile najveći broj glasova publike.
Tokom svečanog otvaranja će biti uručeni i pokloni autorima svih odabranih fotografija, zatim autorima dvanaest najboljih fotografija po izboru stručnog žirija, kao i autoru pobedničke fotografije.
Dođite da zajedno uživamo i divimo se lepotama naše predivne zemlje, kao i veštini, viziji i umeću ljudi koji su uspeli da tu lepotu zabeleže i sačuvaju.
Vaš Slike Srbije TimWe invite you to join us on Wednesday, January 10th, at 6 pm, and with your presence you will enlarge the grand opening of the big exhibition „100 most beautiful paintings of Serbia„.
The exhibition will be held in the premises of Dorcol Platz (Dobracina 59b) and will last until January 16th, and during six exhibition days, one hundred photos of Serbia will be presented, which, on the recently completed big photo contest organized by our portal, received the largest audience votes.
During the opening ceremony will be presented and presented to the authors of all the selected photographs, then to the authors of the twelve best photographs by the selection of the professional jury, as well as the author of the winning photographs.
Come to enjoy and admire the beauties of our beautiful country, as well as the skills, vision and skills of people who have managed to record and preserve this beauty.
Your Pictures of Serbia Team