Ove godine Señor Ewox obeležava 15 godina svoje DJ karijere. Ewox u isto vreme najavljuje i odlazak u dugo planiranu penziju.
Njegov naslednik Ewoxiño će tim povodom ugostiti mnogobrojne specijalne goste na različitim lokacijama kako bi obeležili ovaj jubilej i oprostili se od publike.
Prvi u nizu ovih događaja biće rezervisan za Tamarinsky, koja će se ovog petka pridruziti mladom Ewoxiñu za DJ pultom i tako obeležiti poslednji period seniorove karijere, koji je po mnogo čemu bio veoma poseban.
Dođite 05. januara na BROD, da se podsetimo šta to beše SAMO LJUBAV! 🙂
Cena karte 300 RSDThis year Señor Ewox celebrates 15 years of his DJ career. At the same time, Ewox announces going to a long-awaited retirement.
His successor, Ewoxiño, will host a number of special guests at different locations to mark this jubilee and be released from the audience.
The first in a series of these events will be reserved for Tamarinsky, which will join the young Ewoxiñu for the DJ counter on this Friday, marking the last period of his career, which was in many ways very special.
Come on January 5 at BROD, to remind ourselves what it was ONLY LOVE! 🙂
Ticket price 300 RSD