Početak novog semestra, početak novih briga i muka, a k tome vani izgleda kao da će svaki čas „dan poslije sutra.“
No ne brinite, vaš je najdraži Klub ovdje da popravi situaciju. Bilo da ste pali CEL, mučili se s papirologijom za Erasmus ili vam je isti uzeo mjesto u studentskom domu, imali konflikt sa studomatom i upisima, niste upali u željenu grupu, dobili izlaganje već za sljedeći tjedan te knjigu od 600 stranica za pročitat, skršili se po ovome ledu itd., itd. – don’t worry jer će uskoro doći bolji i sunčani dani! A da vam pružimo utjehu i motiviramo vas za ovaj semestar, proslavimo vaše prolaze ili jednostavno tugu utopimo u alkoholu, pripremili smo jedan vrlo poseban party.
Naime, X.a. slavi 18. rođendan!!
Da, da, došli smo i do te brojke, tako da vas sve pozivamo da se pridružite velikoj proslavi 8.3. u KSET-u. Očekuju vas kratki govori sadašnjih, ali i bivših članova Kluba kako bismo naučili kako je sve u stvari počelo i došlo do ovoga dana.
Naravno, kako ste mogli uočiti, obilježit ćemo tom prigodom i Dan žena – i to kvizom znanja o poznatim ženama anglofonih zemalja iz svih područja ljudskog djelovanja, gdje možete pokazati vaše znanje.
Sve će biti popraćeno projekcijom slika raznih događaja kluba od njegovih skromnih početaka te full jeftinom cugom dok ćete uživati uz hitove 2000. – 2018. s posebnim naglaskom na pjevačice: od Gwen Stefani do Due Lipe, od Destiny’s Child do Little Mix, od Missy Elliot do Cardi B s pokojim ubačenim Edom, Eminemom, Marsom, Seanom Paulom. Not to mention hitove Rihanne, Beyonce, Lady Gage kao i pre- i post-puberty Biebera. Šećer na kraju bit će famozne karaoke pa počnite razmišljat s kojom ćete pjesmom osvojit srca publike 😀
Početak: 20
O klubu: 20:30 – 21
Kviz: 21:15 – 22:15
Karaoke: 22:15 – 00
P.S. Dress code: CRVENO!Beginning of the new semester, the beginning of new concerns and pain, and it looks like it will be „every day after tomorrow.“
But do not worry, your favorite Club is here to fix the situation. Whether you were burning CEL, struggling with the Erasmus paperwork, or having taken the same place in the student dormitory, having a conflict with a college and enrollment, you did not go into the desired group, get an exposure for the next week of this 600-page book to read, crush on this ice, etc., etc. – do not worry because soon will come better and sunny days! And to provide you with comfort and motivate you for this semester, celebrate your passages or simply sink into alcohol, we have prepared a very special party.
Namely, X.a. celebrates the 18th birthday !!
Yes, yes, we came to this figure, so we invite you all to join the big celebration 8.3. in KSET. Excerpts of current and former members of the Club are waiting for you to learn how it all started and came to this day.
Of course, as you can see, we will celebrate this occasion and the Women’s Day – a quiz of knowledge about the famous women of the Anglo-American countries from all areas of human activity, where you can show your knowledge.
Everything will be accompanied by a screening of images of various club events from his modest beginnings and a full low cost while enjoying hits from 2000 to 2018 with a special emphasis on singers: from Gwen Stefani to Due Lipe, from Destiny’s Child to Little Mix, by Missy Elliot to Cardi B with a late inserted Ed, Eminem, Mars, Sean Paul. Not to mention hits by Rihanna, Beyonce, Lady Gage as well as pre- and post-puberty Bieber. Sugar will eventually be famous karaoke and start thinking about with which song you will capture the hearts of the audience: D
Start: 20
About club: 20:30 – 21
Quiz: 21:15 – 22:15
Karaoke: 22:15 – 00
P.S. Dress code: RED!