21. Čunga Lunga dečiji sajam 11 – 13.05.2018. Sajam

21. Čunga Lunga dečiji sajam 11 – 13.05.2018. Sajam
Sajam, Beograd
11.May.2018 - 13.May.2018

Najveća dečija manifestacija na Balkanu. Svi mališani, mame, tate, bake i deke uživaće na starom mestu, na Beogradskom sajmu u hali 3, od 11-13. maja 2018. godine.

Posetioci će tri dana, u petak od 12 – 19h i za dane vikenda od 10 – 19h, moći da uživaju u neprekidnom edukativno-zabavnom programu koji ih očekuje na najvećoj porodičnoj manifestaciji.

U svakoj ulici na Dečijem sajmu, u okviru štandova održavaće se brojne vrste aktivacija za najmlađe, kreativne radionice, likovni kutak. Veliki broj kulturnih i obrazovnih institucija, kao i dečijih ustanova podržalo je najveću dečiju manifestaciju u regionu, a više od 30 medija najavljuje i prati ovaj događaj.

Kao i svake godine, pripremljen je bogat program koji će se neprestano odvijati na glavnoj bini. Horovi, animatori, plesne grupe, kulturno-umetnička društva pripremili su 27 sati programa za sve posetioce. Pored toga, biće postavljen i sportski teren na kome će se takmičiti brojni mališani u najrazličitijim sportskim aktivnostima. Osim Tatami poligona borilačkih veština, tradicionalnog turnira u fudbalu, predstaviće se i Teniski savez Beograda, a deca će imati priliku da se oprobaju u ovom sportu sa najboljim klubovima i trenerima. Pored toga, Streljački klub Novi Beograd – Ušće na sajam donosi specijalnu lasersku pušku za sve koji budu hteli da pucaju, koja do sada nije često bila u javnosti.

Na štandovima izlagača roditelji će moći da dobiju informacije o velikom broju brendova i novih proizvoda namenjenih kako deci, tako i čitavoj porodici. Izlagači su za posetioce pripremili i specijalne sajamske popuste. Dok roditelji uživaju u razgledanju i kupovini, mališani se najviše raduju druženju sa svojim vršnjacima. Veliko interesovanje kod dece bude i kreativne radionice, zatim ogromna igraonica i druženje sa klovnovima i njihovim omiljenim likovima iz crtanih filmova. Takođe, očekuju ih dve puzijade, takmičenje tata u prepovijanju beba, kao i brojne druge aktivnosti.

http://decijisajam.rs/The largest children’s event in the Balkans. All children, mothers, dads, grandmothers and blankets will enjoy the old place at the Belgrade Fair in Hall 3, from 11-13. May 2018.

Visitors will be able to enjoy the uninterrupted educational and entertainment program that he expects for them at the biggest family event for three days, on Friday from 12am to 7pm and for weekends from 10am to 7pm.

In every street at the Kids Fair, there will be numerous activations for the youngest, creative workshops, an artistic corner within the stands. A large number of cultural and educational institutions, as well as children’s institutions, supported the largest children’s event in the region, and more than 30 media announce and monitor this event.

Like every year, a rich program has been prepared, which will continuously take place on the main stage. Choirs, animators, dance groups, cultural and artistic companies prepared 27 hours of programs for all visitors. In addition, there will also be a sports ground that will compete with numerous kids in various sporting activities. Apart from Tatami martial arts polygon, traditional football tournament, the Tennis Association of Belgrade will take part, and children will have the opportunity to try out this sport with the best clubs and coaches. In addition, the Shooting Club Novi Beograd – Ušće at the fair brings a special laser rifle for those who want to shoot, which has not been in the public domain so far.

At the stands of the exhibitors parents will be able to get information on a large number of brands and new products intended for both children and the whole family. Exhibitors also prepared special fairs for visitors. While parents enjoy sightseeing and shopping, the kids are most happy to meet with their peers. Great interest in children is also creative workshops, then a huge playroom and socializing with clowns and their favorite characters from cartoons. They also expect two pianos, a competition for Dad in baby bargaining, and a number of other activities.



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