3D „Liga pravde“ 20.11.KC Barajevo
Režiser: Zack Snyder
Glumci: Gal Gadot, Ben Affleck, Ezra Miller, Jason Momoa, Henry Cavill
Žanr: Akcioni
Karta 250 din
Betmen i Supermen formiraju tim dok se pojavljuje novi negativac – Darksajd. On ima moć koja bi mogla da uništi celu galaksiju. Brus Vejn će morati da pretraži ceo svet kako bi našao ljude dovoljno snažne da se bore protiv ovakvog protivnika. Pošto je premijera tek u novembru, ne zna se puno, osim da okuplja poznate glumce i još poznatije superheroje.3D „Liga pravde“ 20.11.KC Barajevo
Director: Zack Snyder
Actors: Gal Gadot, Ben Affleck, Ezra Miller, Jason Momo, Henry Cavill
Genre: Action
Ticket 250din
Betmen and Superman form the team while a new challenger appears – Darksajd. He has the power to destroy the whole galaxy. Brus Vejn will have to search the whole world to find people strong enough to fight this kind of opponent. Since the premier is only in November, it is not known much, except to gather well-known actors and even more famous superheroes.