4. po redu ciklus Chilltonovog majstorskog turnira u bilijaru jedan na jedan, turnir br.4.
Niko na turnirima do sada (30 turnira) nije uspeo da u jednom potezu a prvim izlaskom na sto u partiji ubaci sve svoje kugle i crnu te pobedi partiju, pa se sad nagrada za taj uspeh na ovom turniru popela na 24.100 din.
PRIJAVLJIVANJE na turnir: https://www.facebook.com/chilltonbife/
Detalje turnira pogledajte ovde4th round cycle of Chillton’s master tournament in one-on-one pool, tournament no.4.
No one in the tournaments so far (30 tournaments) failed in one move, and with the first exit at the table in the party, he put all his balls and black in and won the game, and now the prize for this success in this tournament has risen to 24,100 dinars.
SIGN UP to the tournament: https://www.facebook.com/chilltonbife/
Detalje turnira pogledajte ovde