Gilda Igrača 26. Novembra organizuje svoj prvi 40k turnir.
Igraće se sa Battleforged listama od 1500pt poena po Maelstrom of War scenarijima sa Battlefield Terrain pravilima (8th Ed Rulebook p.248).
Igraće se 3 runde – u prvoj će parovi biti birani nasumično, a posle toga jači sa jačima. Igrači dobijaju 2 Tournament poena za pobedu, 1 za nerešeno i 0 za gubitak Ranglista se formira po broju TP, potom broju Victory poena, i na kraju po Strength of Schedule (zbir TP svih protivnika datog igrača).
Pobednik turnira je najbolje rangirani posle 3 partije.
Ucesce na turniru se plaća 200din i sve pare idu pobedniku za naručivanje 40k figurica.
Igraćemo sa Deathclockom – svaki igrač ima na raspolaganju 60min po partiji , ne računajući postavku.
Igrač startuje tajmer na početku svog poteza i stopira ga na kraju. Molimo učesnike turnira da na mobilne telefone-tablete instaliraju Chess Clock aplikacije. Ako igraču nestane vremena partija se završava i protivnik odnosi pobedu.
Satnica je sledeća:
11:30 – Registracija
12:00 – I Runda
14:00 – Pauza za ručak
14:30 – II Runda
17:30 III Runda
Zato napred za Imperatora/Chaos boga/Dinastiju/Khaine-a/
It will be played with Battleforged lists of 1500pt points for the Maelstrom of War scenarios with Battlefield Terrain rules (8th Ed Rulebook p.248).
Three rounds will be played – in the first pair they will be randomly selected, and then stronger with stronger ones. Players get 2 Tournament Points for Win, 1 for Draw and 0 for Losch Rank is formed by TP number, then Victory points, and finally by Strength of Schedule.
The winner of the tournament is best ranked after 3 games.
Participation in the tournament is paid 200din and all the money goes to the winner for ordering 40k figurines.
We will play with Deathclock – each player has 60mins per game, not counting the setting.
The player starts the timer at the beginning of his move and stops at the end. We invite tournament participants to install Chess Clock applications on mobile phone pills. If a player is gone, the game ends and the opponent takes a win.
The schedule is as follows:
11:30 – Registration
12:00 – I Round
14:00 – Lunch break
14:30 – Round II
17:30 III round
Therefore, forward for Imperator / Chaos God / Dynasty / Khaine / Gorka / Morka / Veil Good / Hive!