46.FEST 23.02 – 04.03.2018.

46.FEST 23.02 – 04.03.2018.
Beograd, Srbija
23.Feb.2018 - 04.Mar.2018

Ono što ga je krasilo svih proteklih godina jeste činjenica da je bio širom otvoren za sve kinematografije sveta, i za sve relevantne autore, ali i filmove koji se neće naći na bioskopskom repertoaru. Kolika je važnost FEST-a ogleda se i u činjenici da je beogradska publika – sa filmovima nekih od najvećih reditelja današnjice kao što su Teo Angelopulos, Bob Rafelson, Volker Šlendorf, Dejvid Kronenberg, Ken Rasel, Vim Venders, Kišlovski, Hercog… imala priliku da se po prvi put sretne upravo na FEST-u.

Već prvi FEST počeo je prilično spektakularno, na njemu su se našli: ”Odiseja u svemiru” Stenlija Kubrika, ”Goli u sedlu” Denisa Hopera, pomenuti ”Meš” Roberta Altmana, filmovi Erika Romera, Luisa Bunjuela, Živojina Pavlovića… Iako mnogi, iz nostalgije ali i s pravom, smatraju prvo izdanje FEST-a neprevaziđenim, istina je da smo i u narednim godinama na FEST-u gledali filmove koji će ostati zabeleženi u istoriji svetske kinematografije. U istoriju festivala upisani su i mnogobrojni veliki svetski glumci i reditelji koji su bili gosti festivala: Marčelo Mastrojani, Harvi Kajtel, Liv Ulman, Bernardo Bertoluči, Sofija Loren, Robert De Niro, Antonioni, Džoni Dep, Miloš Forman, Katrin Danev, Vim Venders, Abaz Kjarostami, Hana Šigula, prethodno pomenuti autori Rafelson, Šlendorf, Rasel… lista je veoma impresivna, časna i duga.

Od svog nastanka FEST je uvek imao glavni i nekoliko pratećih programa, koji su svojim kvalitetom često prevazilazili naziv “prateći”. “Prateće” su bile i mnogobrojne publikacije, izložbe, simpozijumi koji su se održavali tokom festivala.

Do sada – FEST je imao oko četiri miliona gledalaca i skoro 4000 značajnih svetskih filmova – koji su na njemu imali jugoslovensku / srpsku a često i regionalnu premijeru.

Iako je prvi FEST održan pre više od 40 godina i ove godine sa istom energijom nastavlja svoj veliki kulturološki i obrazovni zadatak šireći filmske horizonte svim ljubiteljima filmske umetnosti.

2015, FEST postaje pravi takmičarski festival sa četiri takmičarske selekcije: Glavni takmičarski program – internacionalna selekcija, program Srpski film – nacionalna selekcija, program Granice – subverzivni i kontroverzni filmovi i filmovi iz regiona koji se takmiče za nagradu Nebojša Đukelić.

Još jedna od novina je uvođenje nagrade Beogradski pobednik za izuzetan doprinos filmskoj umetnosti, kao i Beogradski pobednik za dosadašnje stvaralaštvo.

Detaljan program mozete pogledati ovdeThe first FEST, under the slogan “A Brave New World” was opened on the 9th of January 1971 in Dom Sindikata, with the screening of Robert Altman’s Mash. Envisioned as the annual review of the best films of the season, the Belgrade International Film Festival – FEST – evolved to become one of the most important festivals on the continent and a pillar event of Belgrade’s cultural life and an indispensable element in the coming of age of many generations of film amateurs.

An important feature of FEST all these years was its openness to films from all parts of the world, as well as to all relevant authors and works that would never have the opportunity to be shown in cinemas. Authors like Theo Angelopoulos, Bob Rafelson, Volker Schlondorff , David Cronenberg, Ken Russel, Wim Wenders, Kieslowski, Herzog had the opportunity to meet each other for the first time in Belgrade, on FEST.

The first FEST was quite spectacular, involving „A Space Odyssey“ by Stanley Kubrick; Dennis Hopper’s „Easy Rider“; the already mentioned „Mash“ by Robert Altman; the films of Eric Rohmer, Louis Bunuel, Zivojin Pavlovic… Although many nostalgically, but rightfully so, consider this first edition of the Festival unmatched, the truth is that in the years that followed, we had the opportunity to see many films that have later been branded as among the best in film history. Many illustrious international actors and directors have been the festival’s guests over the last four decades: Marcello Mastroianni, Harvey Keitel, Liv Ullman, Bernardo Bertolucci, Sophia Loren, Robert de Niro, Antonioni, Johnny Depp, Milos Forman, Catherine Deneuve, Wim Wenders, Abaz Kiarostami, Hanna Schygulla, the above mentioned Rafelson, Schlondorff, and Russell… An impressive long list of honorable names.

Since its inception, FEST has always had its main program, along with a few accompanying ones, whose quality often exceeded the expectations put in the name „accompanying“. There were also many „accompanying“ publications, exhibitions and symposiums held during the Festival. Nevertheless, the central event always was and remains the main program, followed by the competition program „Europe out of Europe”, which has been in existence for the last couple of years.

To date, FEST boasts four million visitors and almost 4000 relevant international films, which have had their Yugoslav/Serbian and often regional premiere on the Festival!

Although FEST was created more than 40 years ago, it continues to fulfill its cultural and educational role with the same energy in extending the horizons of all film fans.

This year – 2015, FEST becomes an official competition festival with four competition selections: “The main competitive program” – international selection, „Serbian Film“ – national selection, program „Frontiers” – that includes subversive, controversial and arthouse films that move borders in a thematic and aesthetic sense and in the end, movies from region that compete for award Nebojša Đukelić.



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