SLAVLJE, SLAVLJE i samo SLAVLJE!!! Veselo i bassno ulazimo u 5 godina postojanja! 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Tko bi rekao da je prošlo već 5 godina?! Svašta smo doživjeli, razne smo soundsysteme i artiste doveli u Zagreb, a što je najvažnije, svaki put punimo prostorije s našom dub obitelj i pozitivnim vibracijama uživajući u nevjerojatnim dozama bassa! Ni ovoga puta neće bit drugačije, slavimo rođendan s obitelji iz Italije i Pule: Shimana Sound System, Warrior Charge Soundsystem i Munchies Sound System koji će izgraditi SOUNDSYSTEM ARENU u velikoj dvorani Željezničar!! Tako će naš vrt opet postati epicentar bassa! Svim susjedima želimo ugodnu masažu! 😀 Dođite i proslavite s nama ovaj jubilej od 5 godina postojanja i djelovanja na sceni! Pozvani ste svi, naš vrt vas čeka ♥ IRIE!!!!
p.s. Ulazak je na vlastitu odgovornost, za eventualne oštećene sluhove ne odgovaramo!
Upad: 30kn < 12h < 40kn
Entrance: 5€ <12< 6€
Službena stranica Irie Gardena:
DECO by: Irie Garden
Irie Garden vas časti upadom kao i uvijek, no ovaj put častimo 3 sretna dobitnika pošto nam je rochkas!!
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**Koliko puta odigraš nagradnu, toliko si više puta u njoj i povećava ti se šansa za dobitkom free upada!
**Nagradna igra traje do 18h, 3.2.2018.
Sretno!! 🙂
HR | Shimana Sound System nam dolazi iz Italije (Udine) sa svojim friškim novo izgrađenim soundom, protresti korijenje Željezničara! Od 2013. godine, kada su počeli s radom, teže za zajedništvom i šire svoju obitelj svim ljudima koji dijele iste ljubavi s njima, bilo muzičke ili životne. Danas broje 4 člana. Soundsystem je u početcima nastao kao roots reggae i dub soundsystem, pa od njih možete očekivati isključivo roots i steppas dub- žestoke selekcije!
ENG | Shimana Sound System has been founded in 2013 by a group of 4 young musicians. With a lot of time and collaborations, Shimana’s family developed in a bigger group, prompted by music messagges and its mystical force, to create an hangout for the people who loves music and staying together. Shimana’s project was born as a Roots Reggae & Dub Soundsystem. They will play strictly Roots & Steppas Dub music!
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HR | Warrior Charge iz Italije (Udine), soundsystem poznat po svojoj jarkoj crvenoj boji, dolazi natrag u Zagreb!. Izrasli su 2006. godine iz lokalne DIY scene, šireći pozitivne vibracije i duh suradnje u izgradnji jednog pravednijeg svijeta. Od tada dijele pozornicu s legendama scene (Jah Shaka, Zion Train, Aba Shanti, Channel One, The Disciples, Weeding Dub) i nastupaju na brojnim festivalima, kao što su Zion Station, Festintenda, Heartical Vibes, Dub Gate.
ENG | There is a soundsystem which is known for its bright red color, that’s the Warrior Charge Soundsystem from Italy (Udine) that is comming again to Zagreb! Grown in 2006 with roots in the DIY underground scene, running an effort to spread positive messages, through collaborations with other soundsystems, musicians and people on a mission to create a better world. Since then they share the stage with scene legends (Jah Shaka, Zion Train, Aba Shanti, Channel One, The Disciples, Weeding Dub) and perform at numerous festivals, such as Zion Station, Festintenda, Heartical Vibes, Dub Gate.
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HR | Munchies Sound System je projekt pokrenut 2013. god. kada se dvoje prijatelja odlučuju upustiti u izgradnju prvog pulskog soundsystema posvećenog roots i dub glazbi. Do sada su gostovali na raznim festivalima kao što su: Tides of Youth festival, Seasplash festival, Overjam festival, ponovo Lost Theory festival i Dub Freeqs festival u sklopu Momento Dementa festivala , a sami su organizirali prvi Soundsystem meeting u Puli, te nastavili niz sa uspješnim dub eventima. Njihova selekcija je putovanje koje kreće od rootsa 70ih i 80ih sve do modernog zvuka ponajviše engleskog i francuskog duba. Omiljeni izvođači su Uk velikani Jah Shaka, Iration Steppas, The Disciples, Aba Shanti, Channel One, Twinkle Brothers, francuski OBF, BBJ i naravno najveći support ide domaćim dub veteranima članovima Radikal Dub Kolektiva Dubble i Digitron SoundSystemu. Poruka koju se trude podijeliti svojim jakim vibracijama je pozitiva, otvorenost uma ka novim iskustvima i ujedinjena borba protiv babylonske opresije i sveopćeg ignorance-a.
ENG | Munchies SoundSystem is a newborn humble sound from Pula (HR). This project started by the end of 2013 when 2 friends, FIlip and Zoki, moved in together in Triest (Italy) to study and discovered their common love and passion for reggae and dub culture. After they collected a bunch of vynils they decided to build their own soundsystem (with the help from Digitron, Warrior Charge and Rockers Dub Master) to spread the positive dub vibes around Istria and further. They are influenced by 90’s Dub, extreme echo and bass, spiritual, joyful and Uplifting sounds of the suburban. Though they are still young they promise strong bass frenquencies that will always bash the wicked out of the yard keepin the people on an IRIE meditation.
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ENG | Shimana Sound System has been founded in 2013 by a group of 4 young musicians. With a lot of time and collaborations, Shimana’s family developed in a bigger group, prompted by music messagges and its mystical force, to create an hangout for the people who loves music and staying together. Shimana’s project was born as a Roots Reggae & Dub Soundsystem. They will play strictly Roots & Steppas Dub music!
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ENG | There is a soundsystem which is known for its bright red color, that’s the Warrior Charge Soundsystem from Italy (Udine) that is comming again to Zagreb! Grown in 2006 with roots in the DIY underground scene, running an effort to spread positive messages, through collaborations with other soundsystems, musicians and people on a mission to create a better world. Since then they share the stage with scene legends (Jah Shaka, Zion Train, Aba Shanti, Channel One, The Disciples, Weeding Dub) and perform at numerous festivals, such as Zion Station, Festintenda, Heartical Vibes, Dub Gate.
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ENG | Munchies SoundSystem is a newborn humble sound from Pula (HR). This project started by the end of 2013 when 2 friends, FIlip and Zoki, moved in together in Triest (Italy) to study and discovered their common love and passion for reggae and dub culture. After they collected a bunch of vynils they decided to build their own soundsystem (with the help from Digitron, Warrior Charge and Rockers Dub Master) to spread the positive dub vibes around Istria and further. They are influenced by 90’s Dub, extreme echo and bass, spiritual, joyful and Uplifting sounds of the suburban. Though they are still young they promise strong bass frenquencies that will always bash the wicked out of the yard keepin the people on an IRIE meditation.
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