Dragi naši,
24. novembra u klubu „Ulica“ velikim koncertom proslavljamo 6. godinu postojanja!
Iza nas je puno izleta, avantura, putovanja, planinarenja, konferencija, sjajnih festivala, vodopada, zalazaka sunca, vidikovaca, jezera, regata, planinskih vrhova, kampova, novih prijateljstava, zagrljaja, poljubaca… ♫ ☼ � ☼ ♫ ♪
Došao je trenutak da sve te emocije i utiske ulijemo na jedno mesto i dobro se provedemo! Svi ste dobrodošli!
♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Klub „Ulica“, Balkanska 13, preko puta kancelarije „Srbija za mlade“ u petak, 24.11.2017. od 21.00h
🎸🎷🎺🎙 Nastupa Magic Beans:
Broj mesta je ograničen zato dođite ranije. Ulaz je slobodan do 22h za sve članove, prijatelje, partnere, kao i one koji žele da se pridruže ekipi (koja otkriva lepote Srbije mladima) i dele pozitivnu energiju sa nama. ►►►Posle 22h ulaz će se naplaćivati 200 din., zato doćite pre 22h.
➡Informacije i rezervacije na:
☎ Tel.: 011/3670937
📱 Mob.: 061/1627226
📞Viber: +381611627226
💻 E-mail: srbijazamlade@gmail.com
🏢 Srbija za mlade, Balkanska 18, lokal 99, radno vreme – radnim danima 10-18čOur dear,
On the 24th of November in the club „Street“ we celebrate the 6th birthday!
Behind us is a lot of excursions, adventure, travel, hiking, conferences, shining festivals, waterfalls, sunbeds, gazebos, lakes, regattas, mountain peaks, camps, new friends, hugs, kisses … ♫ ☼ ☼ ♫ ♪
The moment has come for us to put all these emotions and impressions into one place and we are doing well! You are all welcome!
♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ Club „Street“, Balkanska 13, across the office of „Serbia for Youth“ on Friday, 24.11.2017. from 21.00h
🎸🎷🎺🎙 Performing Magic Beans:
→ http: //bit.ly/MagicBeansDomace
→ http: //bit.ly/MagicBeansRS
Number of places is limited so come before. Entry is free until 10 pm for all members, friends, partners, as well as those who want to join the team (which reveals Serbia’s prospects for the young) and share positive energy with us. ►►►After 10 pm will be charged 200 din., So come before 10 pm.
➡Information and reservations at:
☎ Tel .: 011/3670937
📱 Mob .: 061/1627226
📞Viber: +381611627226
💻 E-mail: srbijazamlade@gmail.com
🏢 Serbia for youth, Balkans 18, local 99, working hours – working days 10- o6 pm