Nakon što dočekamo 2018. godinu sa PLI99 ekipom, FTTS tim za vas organizuje REPRIZU Nove godine uz najveće, najplesnije, najluđe hitove 80-ih! Muzika je žanrovski neograničena jer DJ Marko Marković je već odavno pronašao idealnu formula da zadovolji sve slušaoce te dekade. Veselo, plesno, sve što vam treba da se dobro provedete u prvom danu 2018. godine! Uz to, ako poželite, 80’s dress code je više nego dobrodošao.
Ulaznice možete kupiti na svim prodajnim mestima sistema Gigstix.
Pretprodaja: 300 dinara
Na ulazu: 500 dinaraAfter we wait for 2018 with the PLI99 team, the FTTS team organizes a NEW YEAR’S REPRISE with the biggest, hottest, craziest hits of the 80s! Music is genre unlimited because DJ Marko Markovic has long since found the ideal formula to satisfy all listeners of that decade. Pleasant, dancing, all you need to spend well on the first day of 2018! Plus, if you like, the 80’s dress code is more than welcome.
You can purchase tickets at all Gigstix sales points.
Pre-sale: 300 dinars
At the entrance: 500 dinars