[:en]Djembe and Dundun Workshop (exclusive) 09 – 11.03.2018.Djembiya

[:en]Djembe and Dundun Workshop (exclusive) 09 – 11.03.2018.Djembiya
Makedonska 5, Beograd
09.Mar.2018 - 11.Mar.2018

The Djembiya Group presents you with an authentic Western African folklore and a djembe and dundown workshop with Yahael Camara Onono, a young virtuoso and future master who comes to Magacin and Capoeira Angola Marro (a glasshouse) with new rhythms,
Otherwise, this tradition, originating from Malinka’s people in West Africa, is now spread all over the world. Each rhythm follows specific dance, as well as story, purpose and history. The tradition itself, made up of song and dance, calling and accepting, make it from a solo or group dance a kind of game where everyone can express themselves. The beauty of African dancing is that everyone can participate regardless of bodybuilding and everyone looks nice and full of joy. It is crucial that this tradition that is not old can be implemented in any non-African culture. It has been scientifically proven that drums are a healing instrument, as well as to attract everyone as the oldest archetypal instrument of our collective memory.

Come and experience the beauty and power of rhythms! Come play and help spread good vibrations. We are proud that we can bring this event to Serbia and plan such workshops to be regular in our country.

Price: 1200 for one hour.
2000 for two hours (advance payment with reservation)
2500 for all three hours (advance payment with reservation)

The time of Friday from 18:00 to 20:00 will be held at Magacin in Kraljevića Marka 4-8

The Saturdays and Sundays from 15: 00-17: 00 will be held at Capoeira Angola Marrom e Alunos Servia (Makedonska 5, Floor II, Shop 2)

We have a certain number of drums. Book a place as soon as possible.
Please contact Vladimir petelpaun@gmail.com for payment in advance

Take home shoes for the hall.


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