We invite you to the concert of KUD “Nikola Tesla”, which will be held on December 15, 2017. at 20 o’clock
The Cultural Artistic Society was founded in 1926 as a Singing Society at the initiative of a group of workers of the then Directorate of Tram and Lighting.
That same year, the founders sent a letter to the famous scientist from our region, Nicolae Tesla, in America asking him to allow the Singing Society to carry his name. After two months, a great scientist at all meridians, Nikola Tesla responded to the founders that he was extremely pleased to be able to give his consent. With the answer, Nikola Tesla sends the conceptual solution to the emblem of the society. Tesla sends a flag with a spear to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Society. She is still proud of the KUD’s premises today.
After obtaining the license, the work of the company got a new momentum in the years to come. New sections were formed, new members were gathered, and in 1946, the KUD “Nikola Tesla” was proclaimed the best in Belgrade.
Today, the Company operates within the Belgrade-based Travel Company “BELGRADE”.
In its composition KUD “Nikola Tesla” has several sections:
Ensemble of folk games (making the first ensemble, veteran ensemble, young children ensemble, middle children ensemble, preparatory ensemble), Orchestra, Section of Spanish Games, Art section, Hor veterans and Book club.
The ticket price is RSD 300.00.