The selector of the exhibition of works by Miodrag Manojlovic (RS-BiH) and Bjorn Hegart (Germany / Norway) is Predrag Terzic.
As far as the complex exhibition is concerned with the different approach of artists within visual arts, the common element for participants is the key word Uncertainty (Précaire).
Through the French word précaire, not only does it prove uncertainty, after the Postford era and industrialization (digital type), but also the re-examination of everything that we call stability, security, or safe space.
In other words, changes and other readings of symbolic meanings of the past take on primacy and art work in different ways, examining and seeking new, not only solutions, but also new explanations of everything that leads to changes and uncertainty of the condition (dangerous and contradictory) in which we live and work .
In 2004, Miodrag Manojlovic graduated from the Academy of Arts in Banja Luka, painting direction. He received his Master’s Degree in Scene Design at the Interdisciplinary Studies of the University of Arts in Belgrade in 2007. One of the founders of the Association of artists “Flow”.
Bjorn Hegart is a visual artist who most moves in the field of drawing and installation. He graduated in 2001 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Trondheim. She currently lives and works in Berlin. He founded and edited a magazine dedicated to the drawing called Fukt.
Gallery of the Youth Center of Belgrade
Opening hours: Tuesday-Saturday from 12:00 to 21:00;
Sunday from 12:00 to 18:00; Monday Gallery does not work.
Events anticipated:
Monday December 4 18:00 FMK, Karadjordjeva 65, V floor
– lecture: Animation and drawing, Miodrag Manojlović, Bjorn Hegardt (FMK Belgrade)
Tuesday, December 5th, Dom omladine Beograda, Makedonska 22
– presentation of the FUKT magazine ( 18:00, Klub Doma omladine Beograda
– opening of the exhibition 19:00, Gallery of the Youth Center Belgrade
Wednesday December 6 18:00 FLU, Rajićeva 10
– lecture: Drawing in Contemporary Art, Bjorn Hegardt