Dobrodošli na Dragulje Azije, pete po redu! Naš cilj je da ovaj festival bude veći i bolji svake godine, tako da za ovaj jubilej planiramo nešto potpuno drugačije…
Ono što se nije promenilo je tim organizatora – Kulturni Centar „Nea Pangea“ (na čelu sa Tanjom Pivlajnin) i Škola bolivud plesa „Panna“ (na čelu sa Marinom Stevanović) su pokrenuli ovaj projekat sa željom da okupe sve plesače koji neguju plesove azijskog kontinenta. Presrećni smo što smo svedoci kako zajednica tih plesača raste iz godine u godinu. Takođe, veoma smo ponosni i počastvovani što smo i mi doprineli toj transformaciji. Kako indijski plesovi postaju primetno popularniji u regionu, odlučili smo da posvetimo ovaj festival svim plesačima koji neguju duh Indije u ovom delu sveta.
Zato smo napravili anketu za sve plesače koji su učestvovali u našim radionicama prethodnih godina. Ideja je bila jednostavna – da plesači sami oblikuju radionice po svojim željama i potrebama. Pet plesova koji su izglasani kao najtraženiji su oni koje vam donosimo ove godine:
• Odisi
• Baratnatjam
• Katak
• Muđre
• Indian tribal (fuzija indijskih plesova i tribal)
Predstavljamo vam 2 gostujuće instruktorke: Prva je fenomenalna Jana Mankoč, kreativni koreograf i sjajan učitelj iz Slovenije. A druga će posetiti Srbiju po prvi put a vi ćete se zasigurno zaljubiti u nju – predstavljamo vam nežnu i gracioznu Katju Toševu iz Sofije.
Kao i uvek, imali smo popuste za najbrže. Nažalost, oni su trajali do kraja juna. Sada su cene sledeće a krajnji rok za isplate u celosti je KRAJ OKTOBRA:
• 25e za 1 radionicu
• 50e za 2 rad.
• 75e za 3 rad.
• 95e za 4 rad. (+ Open stage free pass)
• 110e za svih 5 radionica (+ Open stage free pass + 1 karta za koncert Dragulji Azije)
Sve radionice će se održati u subotu i nedelju prepodne, 18. i 19. novembra. Koncert Dragulja Azije će zauzeti svoje standardno mesto – u subotu uveče. A po prvi put u Srbiji i regionu vam nudimo „Open stage“ u indijskom stilu, u petak veče. To veče nije osmišljeno kao takmičenje, već druženje plesača koji neguju indijske plesne stilove. Hajde da zajedno stvorimo veče ispunjeno lepotama indijskih plesova! Pokažimo raznovrsnost koju ova kultura nosi! A za plesače koji tek počinju svoje karijere, ovo će biti vredno iskustvo jer će vam gostujuće instruktorke, Jana i Katja, pružiti neke smernice i savete. Nastupi mogu biti solo, u pari ili u grupi. Svi indijski stilovi – klasični, folklorni ili moderni (uključujući i fuzije) – su podjednako dobrodošli. Oni koji se prijave za 4 ili 5 radionica automatski dobijaju mogućnost da nastupaju najviše 3 puta te večeri. Za 3 prijavljene radionice, možete nastupati samo jedanput (ili više, uz doplatu od 5e). Ako se prijavite na 1 ili 2 radionice, a želite da učestvujete na „open stage-u“, neophodna je doplata od 5e. Čak i ako se ne prijavite na radionice, i dalje možete zaplesati u petak uveče!
Za sve dodatne informacije ili prijave, slobodno nas kontaktirajte preko Marina Panna naloga na fejsbuku ili na mejl bollywood.panna@gmail.comWELCOME to the 5th Jewels of Asia experience! Our goal is to make our festival bigger and better each year, so for this jubilee we are planning something completely different…
One thing that hasn’t changed is the team of organizers – Cultural centre ’Nea Pangea’ (led by Tanja Pivljanin) and Bollywood Dance School ’Panna’ (led by Marina Stevanovic) brought this project to life in order to gather all the dancers who cherish Asian dances. We are super excited to see that community of dancers grows as the years go by. Also, we are proud and honoured to be the ones who contributed and to be a part of that transformation. Since Indian dances are becoming noticably more and more popular in the region, we decided to dedicate this festival to all those dancers who maintain the spirit of India alive in this part of the world.
Therefore we created a poll that included all dancers who participated in our workshops over the years. The idea was simple – let the dancers shape workshops according to their demands and desires. The most wanted 5 Indian dance styles are those we will present you this year:
* Odissi
* Bharatnatyam
* Kathak
* Mujra
* Indian tribal
We present you two guest teachers: First one is phenomenal Jana Mankoc, a creative choreographer and an excellent teacher from Slovenia. And the second guest teacher will visit Serbia for the first time, but you are definitely going to fall in love with her – gentle and lovely Katja Tosheva from Sofia, Bulgaria.
As always, we offered an early bird discount to those who were quick to apply. Sadly, the discount was only until the end of June…Now, the price list is different and it is only for the full payment until the END OF OCTOBER:
25e for 1 workshop
50e for 2 ws
75e for 3 ws
95e for 4 ws (+ Open stage free pass)
110e for all 5 workshops (+ Open stage free pass + 1 ticket for jewels of Asia gala show)
All the workshops will take place on Saturday and Sunday, and Jewels of Asia gala show will be held on Saturday evening. But, for the first time in Serbia – we present you “Open stage – Indian style” that will take place on Friday, 17th! It is not meant to be a competition, but a gathering of all the dancers who enjoy in one or many Indian dance forms. Let us create a night devoted to beauty of Indian dance! Let us show the diversity that Indian culture offers! And for those dancers who are at the beginning of their careers – this will be a valuable opportunity to improve because our guest teachers, Jana and Katya, will give you some pointers after the show.
Performances can be solo, duets or groups. Any Indian style – classical, folklore, modern or fusion – is equally appreciated.
For those who take 4 or 5 workshops at our festival, free pass is granted, which means that you can perform up to 3 different styles during the show. For 3 workshops taken, you are given the chance to present only one, your favourite dance style (or 2, with the additional fee of 5e). And if you take 1 or 2 workshops and wish to participate on the open stage – the additional fee is only 5e. Even if you are not interested in the workshops, you could still apply for the open stage!
For all the additional information or if you wish to apply for the workshops, feel free to contact Marina Panna on fb or email us via