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Sky High Party 16.11.2017. Mr. Stefan Braun
Visoko iznad svih, u dobro poznatoj Nemanjinoj 4, živi jedna posebna vrsta zabave.
Pratite svoj instinkt za ludu zabavu i neka vas on odvede 9 spratova iznad grada, gde će vas zadržati najbolji Hip Hop & RNB zvuci koje pažljivo biraju DJ GRU i DJ MOOOKA. Specijalno iznenađenje ovog četvrtka – STRUKA LIVE ACT! Vidimo se!Sky High Party 16.11.2017. Mr. Stefan Braun
Above all, in the well-known Nemanjina 4, there’s a special type of entertainment.
Follow your instinct for crazy fun and let him take you 9 floors above the city, where you will stay because of the best Hip Hop & RNB sounds, carefully selected by DJ GRU & DJ MOOOKA. Special surprise this Thursday – STRUKA LIVE ACT! See you there!