Suvobor – Rajac 19.11.2017. Srbija za mlade

Suvobor – Rajac 19.11.2017. Srbija za mlade
Rajac, Gornji Milanovac
Gornji MilanovacSrbija

Lakša pešaka tura
-Kondiciona težina 2/10
-Tehnička težina 1/10
-Najviša tačka 866 mnv
-Najniža tačka 550 mnv

→ Upoznajemo jednu od najatraktivnijih valjevskih planina. Ova planina, koju su stari putopisci zbog lepote prirode protkane šumarcima i cvetnim livadama nazvali RAJEM NA ZEMLJI.

► Rajac je brdski predeo koji se nalazi na istočnom delu planine Suvobor. Oko samog vrha prostire se visoravan sa nadmorskom visinom koja varira od 600 do 848 metara. Planinski predeo Rajac sa svojom okolinom identičnog naziva je jedan od najatraktivnijih planinskih predela planine Suvobor, a koja je pogodna je za razvoj različitih vrsta turizma. odmor, šetnju i različite vidove rekreacije.


Polazak iz Beograda.
Napomena: Dva dana pre putovanja kontaktirati organizatore za vreme i mesto polaska!

Dolazak do planinarskog doma i polazak na pešačenje. Pešačka tura preko vrha Rajca i Dobre vode do vrha Suvobora 866 mnv i nazad.

15.30 – 17.00h
Ručak (hrana iz ranca) ili fakultativan ručak u planinarskom domu „Pobeda“

Polazak za Beograd

Očekivani dolazak u Beograd

Satnica puta je napisana okvirno i ona zavisi od brzine kretanja celokupne grupe

CENA: 1.300 RSD

U cenu uključeno:

– Prevoz po programu
– Usluge lokalnih vodiča i pratioca grupe
– Organizacioni troškovi

U cenu nije uključeno:

– Obroci tokom ture
– Redovna godišnja članarina „Srbija za mlade“ 500 RSD
– Individualni troškovi članova

OPREMA: Planinarske cipele (ili neke druge adekvatne), duge pantalone, slojevita garderoba, šuškavavac / wndstop jakna.
*U REZERVI U RANCU PONETI ► KABANICU (ZA SLUČAJ KIŠE), upaljač, lampu, rezervnu obuću, rezervne čarape, majice i drugu rezervnu garderobu.
Rezervne stvari možete ostaviti i u autobusu.

 HRANA I VODA: Ponesite dovoljno hrane za doručak i ručak u prirodi i najmanje 2 l vode. Uvek ponesite nešto slatko sa sobom (čokoladice, banane…), jer može da Vam opadne šećer tokom uspona.

Svi učesnici potpisuju IZJAVU UČESNIKA AKTIVNOSTI i moraju da se tokom pešačke ture drže grupe i da se ponašaju u skladu sa savetima planinarskih vodiča.

U slučaju loših vremenskih uslova tura se odlaže!

Poštujete prirodu. Ponesite kese za smeće i nikad ne ostavljajte ništa za sobom.

Informacije i rezervacije na:

Tel.: 011/3670937
Mob.: 061/1627226
Viber: +381611627226
Srbija za mlade, Balkanska 18, lokal 99, radno vreme – radnim danima 10-18č

Krajnji rok za prijavljivanje je do raspoloživosti mesta. Minimalan broj članova za realizaciju je 35. Uz ovaj program važe pravilnik i opšti uslovi putovanja organizacije „Srbija za mlade“ – Prilikom rezervacije potrebno je uplatiti 50%, ostatak do 5 dana pred putovanje.Easier walk tour
-Condition weight 2/10
-Technical weight 1/10
-The highest point is 866 m
-Lowest point 550 m

→ We meet one of the most attractive valley mountains. This mountain, which the old travel writers have called HAVEN ON EARTH due to the beauty of nature covered with forests and flower meadows.

► Rajac is a mountainous region located on the eastern part of the mountain Suvobor. Around the top is a plateau with an altitude ranging from 600 to 848 meters. Rajac Mountain Range with its identical name environment is one of the most attractive mountain areas of the Suvobor mountain, which is suitable for the development of various types of tourism. rest, walks and various types of recreation.


Departure from Belgrade.
Note: Contact the organizers for the time and place of departure two days before the trip!

9.30 am – 03.30 pm
Arriving at the hiking house and going for hiking. Hiking tour over the peak of Rajc and Dobra voda to the summit of Suvobor 866 m and back.

03.30 pm – 05 pm
Lunch (food from the ranch) or optional lunch in the „Pobeda“

06.00 pm
Departure to Belgrade

08. pm
Expected arrival in Belgrade

The timetable is written in a circle and it depends on the speed of movement of the entire group

PRICE: 1.300 RSD

The price includes:

– Transportation by program
– Services of local guides and group followers
– Organizational costs

The price does not include:

– Meals during the tour
– Regular annual membership fee for „Serbia for Youth“ is RSD 500
– Individual costs of members

EQUIPMENT: Hiking shoes (or some other suitable), long trousers, layered dressing, rucksack / windstop jacket.
* IN A RANGE PENSION PATTERN ► CABINET (IN CASE OF CHAIN), a lighter, a lamp, a spare footwear, spare socks, shirts and other spare wardrobe.
You can leave spare items on the bus.

FOOD AND WATER: Bring enough food for breakfast and lunch in the nature and at least 2 liters of water. Always take something sweet with you (chocolates, bananas …), because it can drop you sugar during the ascent.

All participants sign the DECLARATION OF ACTIVITY PARTICIPANTS and they must hold groups during the walking tour and act in accordance with the advice of hiking guides.

In case of bad weather the tour is delayed!

Respect nature. Take the garbage bags and never leave anything behind.

Information and reservations at:

Tel .: 011/3670937
Mobile: 061/1627226
Viber: +381611627226
Serbia for Youth, Balkanska 18, local 99, working hours – working days 10 am – 06

The deadline for check-in is until the availability of the place. The minimum number of members for realization is 35. With this program, the rules and general conditions of travel for the organization „Serbia for Youth“ apply –http: // When booking, it is necessary to pay 50%, the rest for up to 5 days


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