U okviru jesenje turneje po regionu, grčki blues/rock muzičar Sakis Dovolis i njegov „Power Trio“ posetiće i zemunski klub Fest.
Sakis Dovolis je grčki blues/rock gitarista, pevač i autor. Njegovo ime je, bez sumnje, na listi najboljih blues/rock izvođača na Balkanu. Rođen je 1988.godine, a svoju prvu gitaru dobio je sa 9 godina. Tada je počeo sa časovima klasične gitare, a kasnije, sa 15 godina, prešao je i na električnu gitaru. Steve Ray Vaughan je muzičar koji je imao najviše uticaja na njega i njegova muzika ga je polako vodila ka svetu bluza. Nadimak „Grčki Stevie Ray Vaughan Jr“ dobio je sa 22 godine od velikog Liuisiana Red-a. Pored SRV, na njega su veliki uticaj imali i BB King, Albert Collins, Lance Lopez, Philip Sayce, Joe Bonamassa, Richie Kotzen, Michael Landau i td.
Nakon što je godinama svirao u različitim bendovima, 2014.godine kreće u solo projekat „Sakis Dovolis Power Trio“ u kojem bas svira njegov brat Fotis Dovolis, a Nick Kalivas je za bubnjevima. Bend često opisuju kao „heavy blues band“ jer kombinuju osnove bluza sa modernijim i agresivnijim zvukom, a postali su poznati po svojim veoma energičnim koncertima i upečatljivim nastupima. Sakid Dovolis Trio je trenutno na turneji po regionu na kojem promoviše svoj budući, prvi LP „Introduction“.
Ulaz 300 dinara Info /rezervacije stolova na 063 700 81 50During the autumn tour of the region, Greek blues / rock musician Sakis Dovolis and his „Power Trio“ will also visit the Zemun club Fest.
Sakis Dovolis is a Greek blues / rock guitarist, singer and author. His name is undoubtedly on the list of the best blues / rock performers in the Balkans. Born in 1988, he received his first guitar at age 9. Then he started with classical guitar lessons, and later, at age 15, he switched to electric guitar. Steve Ray Vaughan is a musician who had the most impact on him and his music slowly led him to the world of blouse. The nickname „Greek Stevie Ray Vaughan Jr“ got 22 years from the great Liuisian Red. In addition to the SRV, BB King, Albert Collins, Lance Lopez, Philip Sayce, Joe Bonamassa, Richie Kotzen, Michael Landau and so on were also influenced by him.
After years of playing in different bands, in 2014 he moves to the solo project „Sakis Dovolis Power Trio“ in which his brother Fotis Dovolis basically plays, and Nick Kalivas is for drums. Bend often describes them as „heavy blues band“ because they combine the basics of blouse with a more modern and aggressive sound, and have become famous for their very energetic concerts and impressive performances. Sakid Dovolis Trio is currently touring the region where he promotes his future, first LP „Introduction“
Entrance 300 dinars Info / reservations of tables at 063 700 81 50