Legendarni slovenački bend Lačni Franc održaće 21.decembra koncert u Firchie Think Tank Studiu u 21h. Biće to novogodišnji poklon Zorana Predina i ekipe fanovima u Novom Sadu, a ujedno i prilika da publika prvi put uživo čuje stvari sa njihovog poslednjeg albuma „Svako dobro“.
Osim novih pesama, koje je nahvalila kritika u svim ex Yu državama, ljubitelji najromantičnijeg ali i najironičnijeg benda najsevernije republike bivše Jugoslavije će moći da uživaju i u starim dobrim hitovima, poput „Naj ti poljub nariše usnice“, „Ne mi dihat za ovratnik“, „Praslovan“, „Na svoji strani“, „Čakaj me“, “Tisoč modrobelih rožic”, “Zarjavele trobente” i dr.
Ulaznice se mogu kupiti na svim prodajnim mestima sistema GIGS TIX.
Pretprodaja: 1000 dinara
Na ulazu: 1200 dinaraThe legendary Slovene band Lacni Franz will hold a concert on 21 December at the Firchie Think Tank Studiu at 21h. It will be the new year’s gift of Zoran Predin and the fans’ team in Novi Sad, as well as the opportunity for the audience to hear the first time in live with their last album „Everybody’s Good“.
In addition to the new songs, which has been criticized in all ex Yu countries, the fans of the most romantic but also the most erotic band of the northernmost republics of the former Yugoslavia will be able to enjoy good old hits such as „Let your kiss draw your lips“, „Do not breathe my collar“ „Praslovan“, „On his side“, „Wait for me“, „Thousands of blue bobbies“, „Crippled trumpets“ and others.
Tickets can be purchased at all sales points of the GIGS TIX system.
Pre-selling: 1000 dinars
At the entrance: 1200 dinars