Eko-likovno-vajarska radionica: Cimet, vanila i Jesenja vila održaće se u Zemunu u KUD „Branko Radičević“
Prvi deo: Deca biraju od prirodnih materijala koje skupljamo u jesen : grane, lišće, šišarke, žirevi i slično i u malim pletenim korpicama, uz muziku, prave jesenje aranžmane.
Pričamo o tome šta se bere i najviše jede u jesen, koje povrće i voće, koje začine stavljamo. Kako provodimo vreme kada je hladnije, šta sve možemo da radimo u kući. Kako se borimo sa oblačnim danima – govorimo o značaju svetla, vatre, lampica, koje koristimo da nadoknadimo sunce.
Pauzica: Gledamo fotografije najstarijeg drveća na svetu (na projektoru). Posluženje je pita od jabuka sa cimetom, naravno.
Drugi deo: Koje je boje moje lišće.
Radimo vežbu – deca stanu u krug i zamisle da su drvo. Ovo je zapravo meditacija uzemljenja prilagođena deci. Zamišljaju da imaju grane, koren, lišće. Ali sada je jesen i lišće počinje da menja boju. Deca zamišljaju u koju boju će njihovo lišće da se oboji – žutu, narandžastu, crvenu, ljubičastu ili će da ostane zeleno. Zamisliće kako kroz koren, iz dubine zemlje ta boja prolazi kroz stablo i grane i boji njihove listiće. Kada završe vežbu, ređamo po podu raznobojno lišće, pričamo ko je koja boja i učimo da prepoznajemo vrste drveta na osnovu boje. Svako dete prepoznaje svoje drvo i daje sebi ime, npr. Ana Hrast, Javor Marko, itd..
Tegla prijateljstva.
Uzimamo jednu veliku staklenu teglu. Okolo ređamo posude sa raznim žitaricama koje sazrevaju u jesen: Pšenica, proso, kukuruz, heljda, razni pasulji i sl..svako dete sipa rukom po jedan sloj i pričamo šta je šta i kako se jede. Pričamo im zanimljivosti, kako se u prošlosti čuvalo žito, šta je značilo itd..Kada naspemo sve slojeve, dobicemo prelepu šarenu teglu.
Pauzica za osveženje.
Treći deo: Poruke Jeseni.
Sedamo opet u krug i Iz jesenjeg šešira vadimo jedno po jedno „poruke jeseni“.
Radionicu vodi Dubravka Ijačić, antropolog-etnolog i slikarka, stalni saradnik Udruženja ,,Umetnički centar “Zemoon““Eco-art and sculpture workshop: cinnamon, vanilla and autumn fairy.
Part One: Children choose from natural materials that we collect in autumn: branches, leaves, seashells, germs and the like and in small knitted corn, along with music, make autumn arrangements.
We are talking about what is read and eating the most in autumn, which vegetables and fruits are put in. How to spend time when it’s colder, what can we do in the house? How we fight with cloudy days – we are talking about the significance of light, fire, lights, which we use to compensate the sun.
Pauzica: We are looking at photos of the world’s oldest trees (on the projector). The service is a cinnamon apple pie, of course.
Part Two: What color is my leaves.
We do the exercise – the kids are in the circle and they think they are a tree. This is actually child-friendly meditation. They imagine they have branches, roots, leaves. But now the autumn and leaves begin to change color. Children imagine what color their leaves will be like – yellow, orange, red, purple, or will remain green. They will imagine how through the root, from the depths of the earth, that color passes through the tree and branches and tears their leaves. When they finish the exercise, we roam the colorful leaves on the floor, we are telling who is the color and learning to recognize the types of wood based on the color. Each child recognizes its tree and gives its name, for example, Ana Hrast, Javor Marko, etc ..
A jar of friendship.
We take one big glass jar. Around the cottages we eat a variety of cereals that mature in autumn: Wheat, millet, corn, buckwheat, various beans … each child pours one layer of a hand and tells us what is what and how to eat. We are telling them interesting things about how grain was stored in the past, what it meant, etc. When we cover all the layers, we will get a beautiful colorful jar.
A pause for refreshment.
Third part: Messages Autumn.
We sit again in a circle and from the autumn hat we practice one by one „autumn messages“.
The workshop is led by Dubravka Ijačić, anthropologist and ethnologist and painter, permanent associate of the Association „Art Center“ Zemoon „