Tročasovni seminar na temu Izvornog vaspitanja-vaspitanja bez kazne i bez nagrade, održaće prof.Milica Novković u Centru za porodicu i mlade „Porodični bukvar“.
Cilj seminar je da porodice i mladi dobiju znanje o Izvornom vaspitanju i praktična uputstva za njegovu primenu.
Mame i tate će naučiti kako bez potkupljivanja i bez kažnjavanja postaju najbolji roditelji. Deca bez dresure štapom i šargarepom izrastaju u vredne, poslušne, dobro vaspitane ljude i najvažnije postaju dobri đaci koji vole učenje i knjigu.
Mladi i mladi zaljubljeni parovi, u braku i pred brakom naučiće kako da njihova Ljubav uzrasta i obogaćuje njihove živote.
Cena seminara je 2.500 rsd
Bez obzira koliko članova broji porodica cena je po porodici, a ne po broju članova, ista cena je i za par mladih, kao i za pojedinca ako na seminaru prisustvuje sam.
U ceni seminara dobijate i jednu od dve knjige „Porodični bukvar“ ili Bit(ka) Ljubavi.
Kako se prijaviti?
Direktno u porudzbenici na sajtu
Račun koji dobijete je ulaznica za seminar.
Dobrodošli.A three-hour seminar on the topic of Primary education – without discipline and without reward – will be held by prof.Milica Novković Centar for family and youth “ Family Book“.
The aim of the seminar is to provide families and young people with knowledge about Original Education and practical instructions for its implementation.
Mom and Dad will learn how to become best parents without corruption and without punishment. Children without a dress with a stick and carrots grow into worthy, obedient, well-educated people and, most importantly, become good students who love learning and a book.
Young and young lovers, in marriage and before marriage, will learn how to make their Love grow and enrich their lives.
The price of the seminar is 2,500 rsd
Regardless of the number of family members, the price is per family, not by the number of members, the same price is for a couple of young people as well as for the individual if he is present at the seminar himself.
In the price of the seminar you will receive one of two books „Family Book“ or Bit (Love).
How to apply?
Directly on the order on the site; with a note for the seminar, or by calling on the phone number: +381 69 1659931
The invoice you receive is a seminar ticket.