U ponedeljak 20. novembra u Astalu okupiće se vampiri i vilenjaci, drevni bogovi i patuljci, trolovi i ko zna ko sve još. Naša tri vrla GM-a će vas uvesti u svet tabletop RPG-a. Svaki od njih će voditi avanturu, u drugačijem sistemu, u trajanju od po nekoliko sati, i sve su osmišljene tako da može da ih igra bilo ko. Čak i oni koji nikada pre nisu igrali RPG. Na vama je samo da se prijavite u komentarima za koju ste se avanturu oprederili i da dođete u ponedeljak od 19 časova. Prijavljivanje je obavezno jer je broj igrača ograničen.
Branislav Pantić će voditi klasičnu D&D (5e) avanturu za početnike – Final Night at the Doll House Orphanage – u kojoj vas očekuju stvorenja iz tame,staro siročište, tamnice pune opasnosti, i šašavi i strašni likovi, a uz sve to, razno blago i dragocenosti. Nikakvo predznanje nije potrebno, samo olovka, gumica i želja za avanturom. Moći ćete da birate jednog od velikog broja predefinisanih heroja kojeg ćete voditi u ovoj avanturi. Maksimalan broj igrača je 5.
Damjan Miladinović će voditi avanturu Waves of Madness. U pitanju je Call of Cthulhu sistem, a radnja se dešava 1926. godine na malom ali luksuznom prekookeanskom brodu. Desilo se ubistvo pod malo čudnim okolnostima, a vi treba da otkrijete ko je ubica, ili šta … ako ne poludite pre toga! Broj igrača je od 3 do 6.
Dušan Kovijanić vas poziva da sa njim provedete veče u Beogradu nastanjenom vampirima. Predatori noću opsedaju grad i koriste se smrtnicima kao slugama. Probajte da se uzdignete na njihovoj izopačenoj društvenoj lestvici ili će vas neko iskoristiti kao stepenik za svoj napredak. Sistem je World of Darkness (d10), setting – Vampire the Requiem (VtR) a broj igrača je od 3 do 5.On Monday, November 20th in Astal, vampires and elves, ancient gods and dwarves, trolls and who knows who else are going to gather. Our three GM helicopters will bring you into the world of RPG tablet. Each of them will lead an adventure, in a different system, for several hours, and they are all designed to be played by anyone. Even those who have never played RPG before. It’s only up to you to report in the comments you advised on the adventure and come on Monday at 19:00. Registration is mandatory because the number of players is limited.
Branislav Pantić will lead the classic D & D (5e) adventure for beginners – Final Night at the Doll House Orphanage – where you expect creatures from darkness, an old orphanage, a dungeon full of danger, and silly and terrible characters, and with all this, valuables. No pre-knowledge is necessary, only pencil, rubber and desire for adventure. You will be able to choose one of a large number of predefined heroes to guide you in this adventure. The maximum number of players is 5.
Damjan Miladinovic will lead the adventure of Waves of Madness. Call of the Cthulhu system, and the action takes place in 1926 on a small but luxurious overseas ship. There has been murder under very strange circumstances, and you need to find out who the killer is, or what … if you do not go crazy before that! The number of players is from 3 to 6.
Dusan Kovijanic invites you to spend the evening with him in Belgrade with a vampire. Predators are haunting the city at night and are used by mortals as slaves. Try to elevate yourself to their defective social rankings or someone will use you as a step for your progress. The system is World of Darkness (d10), setting – Vampire the Requiem (VtR) and the number of players is from 3 to 5.