TAG Heuer i Tranzit Bar vam donose još jednu kvalitetnu svirku četvrtkom u Tranzitu. Ove nedelje je na redu čuveni beogradski Loco Band koji je tokom letnje sezone žario i palio Tranzit Baštom. Po prvi put ove sezone u renoviranom i osveženom unutrašnjem delu kluba ekipa iz Loco Benda dolazi da napravi žurku za pamćenje kao i na svakom od prethodnih gostovanja!
Info i rezervacije: 0658726948
Vidimo se!TAG Heuer and Tranzit Bar bring you another quality performance on Thursdays in Tranzit. This week, the well-known Belgian Loco Band is in line, which during the summer season has been keen on the Transit Base. For the first time this season, in a renovated and refreshed indoor part of the club, Loco Benda is coming to make a memorable hunch as well as each of the previous performances!
Info and reservations: 0658726948