Izložba „Pramoderna“ je vezana za dugogodišnji rad Božidara Mandića i „Porodice bistrih potoka“, nastale 1977. godine na Rudniku. Najvažnija spona između „Porodice bistrih potoka“ i nemačke kulture je veza u ekološkoj snazi i zaštiti prirode. Najveći korifej je, svakako, Petra Keli, jedan od osnivača Zelene partije Nemačke. O Petri se danas mnogo manje zna nego osamdesetih. Zbog toga je umetnik jedan intervju u Ninu posvetio Petri Keli, značajnoj ličnosti i pojavi. I ova izložba je prisećanje i osveženje na ženu koja se nije plašila svoje epohe.
Božidar Mandić je do sada imao 19 samostalnih izložbi u galerijama savremene umetnosti, objavio je dvadeset četiri knjige, realizovao 24 pozorišne predstave. Član je Dečje redakcije Radio-Beograda i kulumnista „Politike“. Njegova osnovna filozofija je: Borba za Planetu i Pojedinca.The exhibition „Pramoderna“ is related to the long years of work by Božidar Mandić and the „Families of Clear Stream“, created in 1977 in Rudnik. The most important link between the „Famous Stream Family“ and the German culture is a link to ecological strength and nature protection. Peter Keli, one of the founders of the Green Party of Germany, is the biggest runner-up. About Petri is much less known today than the eighties. That’s why the artist interviewed Petri Keli, a significant personality and appearance, in Nin. And this exhibition is a compromise and a refreshment to a woman who did not fear her epochs.
Božidar Mandic until now had 19 solo exhibitions in contemporary art galleries, published twenty-four books, 24 theater shows. He is a member of the Radio-Belgrade Radio and the Politician. His basic philosophy is: Fighting the Planet and Individuals.