Fallout Radio Night // Normalno Mesto // 25.11. 20h
War. War never changes… A ne menja se ni nasa ljubav prema doobroj muzici. Zato svi vi vault dwelleri, overseerovi, ghoulovi (cak i vi koji ste odavno feral), scavengeri i konacno, celicna braco, doslo je vreme da uzivamo uz najbolji post-apocaliptic game soundtrack ikad.
Spremite vase Pip-Boy uredjaje, podesite frekvenciju, i pravac u ’40-te i ’50-te, i nas najdrazi pulp fiction svet…Napustite vase udobne vaultove, uputite se preko wastelanda zvanog Dorcol, pravo u vas omiljeni bar u capitolu.
Normalno Mesto, 25. novembar, subota, 20 h casova, ozivljavamo fenomenalnu atmosferu uz fenomenalnu muziku.
Slusamo kompletan soundtrack radio stanica iz Fallouta 3, Fallout New Vegas i Fallout 4 igara, uz jos po neka iznenadjenja.
P.S. Cuvajte se radijacije usput.
P.P.S. Sluzimo i Nuka-Colu.
P.P.P.S. Nabacite te skrivene tregere, masnice, sesire i naravno kapute, da ne proviri taj Tommy Gun odnekud, ehm, hocemo reci, Gauss ili Tesla Rifle (Fat Man-a vec ne bi mogli da sakrijete nikako!).
Ulaz dz, najukusnije pivo, najcistije krigle i normalna ekipa sa obe strane sanka, koja inace ne ujeda, ali se bojimo da ce ih u subotu savladati feral priroda… Al nije problem, dobro smo se opremili.
Ain’t that kick in the head!!!
Rezervacije saljite u inbox stranice Normalnog Mesta ili pozovite 0600288834. Zbog velikog interesovanja, preporucujemo da rezervisete na vreme.Fallout Radio Night // Normalno Mesto // 25.11. 20h
War. War never changes … And you do not even love our love for the music. So all the vault residents, supervisors, ghouls (even you who have long been feral), scavengeri and finally, celic braco, it’s time to enjoy the best post-apocaliptic game soundtrack ever.
Save your Pip-Boy devices, adjust the frequency, and the 40s and 50s, and our beloved pulp fiction world … Leave your comfortable vault, go over the wastelanda called Dorcol, right in your favorite bar in Capitol.
Normal Place, November 25th, Saturday, 20h of casas, we revitalize the phenomenal atmosphere with phenomenal music.
We have a complete soundtrack of Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 4 games, with some surprises.
P.S. Save the radiation by the way.
P.P.S. Let’s talk to Nuka-Col.
P.P.P.S. Get these hidden bargains, masks, seams and, of course, coats, not to poke that Tommy Gun from anywhere, eh, let’s say, Gauss or Tesla Rifle (Fat Man could not hide it at all!).
Enter the dz, the most delicious beer, the most pure bream and the normal team on both sides of the bun, which does not even bite, but we fear that the wildlife will be overcome on Saturday … Al is not a problem, we fit well.
Is not that kick in the head !!!
Make reservations to the Inbox of the Normal Site or call 0600288834. Due to the great interest, we recommend you to book at the time.