Izložba će biti otvorena do 9. decembra 2017.
Lazar Marković je rođen 1960. god. u Novom Sadu
– Diplomirao je grafiku na Akademiji umetnosti u Novom Sadu.
– Magistrirao je na Akademiji umetnosti u Novom Sadu, na grafičkom smeru, tema „Animacija znaka“.
– Masterirao je na Protestanskom teološkom fakultetu u Novom Sadu, tema „Slikarska egzegeza Hristovog raspeća u delima italijanske renesanse od Đota do Ticijana“.
– Masterirao je na Fakultetu za menadžment, univerzitet Union u Beogradu, tema „Uloga srateškog menadžmenta u Galeriji likovne umetnosti poklon zbirke Rajka Mamuzića“.
– Masterirao je slikarstvo na Akademiji lepih umetnosti u Beogradu, tema „Slikarska interpretacija crteža autističnog deteta“.
– Student je master studija vajarstva na Akademiji umetnosti u Novom Sadu.
Kao slikar i grafičar izlagao je na 57 samostalnih izložbi (Novi Sad, Beograd, Budimpešta, La Paz…) i na oko 300 kolektivnih izložbi u zemlji i inostranstvu (Rim, Tokio, Njujork, Beograd, Majami, Amsterdan, Lođ, Budimpešta, Skoplje, Beograd, Novi Sad…). Izlagao je na pet samostalnih izložbi fotografija.
063 591 152
An exh ibition of photographs by Lazar Markovic titled „Animation of Snow Sculptures“ will be opened at the SULUV Gallery on Monday, November 27, at 7 pm.
The exhibition will be open until December 9, 2017.
Lazar Markovic was born in 1960. in Novi Sad
– He graduated from the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad.
– He graduated from the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad, graphic direction, theme „Animation of the sign“.
– He has mastered at the Protestant Theological Faculty in Novi Sad, the theme of „Painting Exegesis of the Crucifixion of Christ in Parts of the Italian Renaissance from Đot to Tician“.
– He has mastered at the Faculty of Management, University Union in Belgrade, the theme „The Role of Strategic Management in the Gallery of Fine Arts, a gift of the collection of Rajko Mamuzić“.
– Mastered painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade, theme „Painting interpretation of the drawing of an autistic child“.
– He is a master of sculpture at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad.
As a painter and graphic artist, he exhibited at 57 solo exhibitions (Novi Sad, Belgrade, Budapest, La Paz …) and about 300 collective exhibitions in the country and abroad (Rome, Tokyo, New York, Belgrade, Miami, Amsterdam, Lodz, Budapest, Skopje , Belgrade, Novi Sad …). He exhibited at five solo exhibitions of photographs.
063 591 152