Dnevnik hodanja – Nina Todorović
Mape su oduvek intrigirale ljude jer su predstavljale svojevrsnu riznicu znanja, pređenih putanja; asocirale su na neka davna, slavna vremena velikih moreplovaca i otkrića novih svetova, teritorija, kultura. Mapama su se dičili i veliki vladari, imperatori, državnici. One su oduvek služile kao putokazi, bilo da se radi o geografskim, političkim ili pak turističkim mapama. I nekako se uvek ljudi nastanjuju u tim mapama, u tim omeđenim, dvodimenzionalnim prostorima.
U svojoj priči „O strogosti u nauci“ Horhe Luis Borhes govori o tom posebnom umeću kartografije.
E–mail: ninatodorovic@gmail.com
Web–site: www.ninatodorovic.com
Graz Sessions – Nina Todorović 21.11 – 09.12.2017. Kolarac
Maps have always been intrigued by people because they represented a sort of treasure trove of knowledge, crossed paths; they related to some ancient, glorious times of great sailors and the discovery of new worlds, territories, cultures. Mappers were also played by great rulers, emperors, statesmen. They have always served as signposts, whether geographic, political or tourist maps. And somehow people always inhabit these maps, in these bound, two-dimensional spaces.
In his story „About Strictness in Science“, Horhe Luis Borhes speaks of this special skill in cartography.
E–mail: ninatodorovic@gmail.com
Web–site: www.ninatodorovic.com