PONEDELJAK, 04. DECEMBAR 2017. U 19:00
Tribina Društva ljubitelja fantastike „Lazar Komarčić“
Učestvuju: Adrijan Sarajlija, Boban Knežević
Debitantska zbirke priča „Manufaktura G“ Adrijana Sarajlije (Tardis, 2010) ukazala nam je na vrsnog autora fantastike na koga treba obratiti pažnju. Usledio je period obeležen romanom „Ogledalo za vampira“ (samizdat, 2012, i reizdanje Čarobna knjiga, 2013) koji se dobro kotirao čak i u konkurenciji kompletne godišnje produkcije Srbije i zaslužio osvrt žirija NIN-ove nagrade na svežinu teme i izraza.
Zbirka „Goli glasovi“ (Everest media, 2017) objedinjuje stvaralačke napore prethodnih godina razasute po antologijama iz zemlje i regiona. Sadrži petnaest kratkih priča iz izdanja mahom nedostupnih u domaćim knjižarama, te je zbirka pravi način da se nastavi uživanje u izazovnoj spekulativnoj prozi. Pokazatelj kvaliteta je svakako i odluka urednika Bobana Kneževića da knjigu objavi u ediciji Fantastična biblioteka, gde smo mogli čitati najbolje od srpske fantastike.
„Sarajlija spremno i spretno zaranja u nepoznato te svojom invencijom i svežinom razgaljuje znatiželjne čitaoce nudeći im pravo literarno uživanje – neuobičajeno, van žanrovskih standarda, nadahnuto, duhovito i vrcavo.“ (Ilija Bakić)EXPERIENCE OF SHORT STORY: „NAKED VOICES“ IN ADRIAN SARAJLIA
MONDAY, 04 DECEMBER 2017 At 19:00
Tribune of the Fantasy Fans Society „Lazar Komarčić“
Participants: Adrijan Sarajlija, Boban Knezevic
Debutant collections of the story „Manufaktura G“ Adrijana Sarajlija (Tardis, 2010) pointed out to us the top author of the fantasy to whom we should pay attention. A period marked by the novel „The Vampire Mirror“ (samizdat, 2012, and the reissue of the Magic Book, 2013) followed well, even in the competition of complete annual production of Serbia, and earned the view of the jury of the NIN Award on the freshness of the theme and expression.
The collection „Naked Voices“ (Everest Media, 2017) combines the creative efforts of previous years, split by the anthologies from the country and the region. It contains fifteen short stories from releases largely unavailable in domestic bookshops, and the collection is the right way to continue enjoying challenging speculative prose. The quality indicator is definitely the decision of the editor of Boban Knezevic to publish the book in the Fantastic Library edition, where we could read the best of Serbian fantasy.
„Sarajlija readily and skillfully rolls into the unknown, and with his invention and freshness reveals the curious readers by offering them a true literary enjoyment – unusual, beyond the standards of the genre, inspired, witty and twisting.“ (Ilija Bakić)