PONEDELJAK, 11. DECEMBAR 2017. U 19:00
Tribina Društva ljubitelja fantastike „Lazar Komarčić“
Govore: Jelena Jokanović, Jelena Katić-Živanović i Igor Stanojević
Domaćin i moderator: Pavle Knežević
Posle jako teške godine za Di-Si filmski univerzum, u kojoj su veći deo publike i kritike iskasapili oba filma tada objavljena, usledila je prilično podeljena 2017. „Čudesna žena“, dočekana panegiricima kritike, dovela je do navala na blagajne, ali je donela i opšti društveni fenomen, koji je u jednom trenutku iz prateće posledice prerastao u glavnu temu. Koji mesec kasnije došla je i problematična „Liga pravde“ i naišla na mlak prijem kritike i sličan odgovor publike. Šta je krenulo po zlu? Gde se sada nalazi prošireni Di-Si univerzum i šta ga čeka u budućnosti? Sada, kada se prašina malo slegla, kako ocenjujemo „Čudesnu ženu“ kao film i kakve su posledice njenog uspeha u filmskoj industriji?FROM COMPLETE TRIUMPH TO COLLECTIVE „MNJAH“: DI-SI FILM UNIVERSE 2017.
MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2017 At 07 pm
Tribune of the Fantasy Fans Society „Lazar Komarčić“
They are: Jelena Jokanovic, Jelena Katic-Zivanovic and Igor Stanojevic
Host and moderator: Pavle Knežević
After a very difficult year for the Di-Si film universe, in which most of the audience and critics exploited both films at that time, it was followed by a fairly split 2017. The „Wonder Woman“, welcomed by panegyricians of criticism, led to a wave of cashouts, but brought and a general social phenomenon, which at one point turned out to be the main consequence of the ensuing consequences. Which month later came the problematic „League of Justice“ and came across a lukewarm reception of criticism and a similar response by the audience. What went wrong? Where is the expanded Di-Si universe now and what is waiting for it in the future? Now, when the dust settles down, how do we estimate „Wonder Woman“ as a movie and what are the consequences of its success in the film industry?