KOKICE TERAPIJA 18.12.2017. Dom omladine

KOKICE TERAPIJA 18.12.2017. Dom omladine
Makedonska 22, Beograd


PONEDELJAK, 18. DECEMBAR 2017. U 19:00
Ulaz je slobodan!
Projekcija filma: „Zidovi koji nas dele”, režija Gustavo Tareto (Gustavo Taretto)

KOKICE TERAPIJA je novi mesečni program Doma omladine koji predstavlja katarzičnu bioskopsku terapiju koja podrazumeva i smeh i plač, gledanje filma za neophodno emotivno oslobađanje, filma o kome se priča kada se upali svetlo, s predavačima koji su renomirani psihoterapeuti različitih škola i pravaca.

Zašto Kokice terapija? Film nudi pitanja, preispitivanja, identifikaciju sa pričom ili likovima, omogućava upoznavanje sveta oko nas isto koliko i našeg unutrašnjeg sveta. Nove psihološke teorije tvrde da gledanje filmova u terapeutskom kontekstu može pomoći u prevazilaženju ličnih problema, a da uz profesionalnu medijaciju stručnjaka i dobru prezentaciju fimovi mogu biti i dodatna terapija za bolesti zavisnosti, straha od umiranja i smrti, napuštanja, zlostavljanja, mogućnost da se dopre do gledaoca. Stari i novi filmofili intuitivno su došli do istih saznanja.

Na trećoj seansi KOKICE TERAPIJE 18. decembra 2017. u 19č u sali Amerikana* Doma omladine Beograda biće prikazan film Gustava Tareta “Zidovi koji nas dele” / Medianeras (Argentina, Španija i Nemačka, 2011).

Da bi izbegli da ih proguta urbani ili lični haos, glavni junaci Marijana i Martin, komšije neznanci, se zatvaraju u kvazi-sigurne kuće, svoje stanove, više živeći u fantazijama i fobijama nego u stvarnosti. Uprkos anksioznosti koja je oboma glavni sastojak života, uspevaju da se međusobno povežu putem Interneta i da od izgubljenih, postanu srodne duše. Režiser, Gustavo Tareto, nam otkriva kako zamamne, tako i neuralgične tačke Buenos Ajresa. Anima mundi diše i kroz arhitekturu grada u kome se dešava radnja. “Zidovi koji nas dele” mogu da nas odvoje, ali i spoje..

Filmove gledamo sa Žanet Prinčevac de Villablanca, jungovskom psihoanalitičarkom i terapeutkinjom.
Dodjite da zajedno vidimo šta u stvari gledamo!

Najbolje kokice u gradu obezbeđuje “Pećina”.

Program KOKICE TERAPIJA realizovan je uz podršku Ministarstva kulture i informisanja Republike Srbije.

*zbog velikog broja zainteresovane publike projekcija je premeštena iz Kluba DOB-a!

O terapeutkinji – medijatoru:
Žanet Prinčevac de Villablanca je jungovska psihoanalitičarka i terapeutkinja
Predsednik Beogradskog analitičkog kruga (2004- 2007), jedan od osnivača i direktor škole koja je obrazovala jungovski orijentisane psihoterapeute, predavač, supervizor i analitičar. Održala je brojna javna predavanja iz oblasti analitičke psihologije. Od 1999 godine vodi svoju privatnu praksu.POPCORN THERAPY # 3

MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2017 At 07 PM
The entrance is free!
Screening of the film: „The Walls That Share Us“, directed by Gustavo Taretto (Gustavo Taretto)

KOKICE THERAPY is the new monthly program of the Youth Center, which represents a cathartic cinema therapy that includes laughter and crying, watching a film for the necessary emotional release, a film that is spoken of when the light comes on, with lecturers who are renowned psychotherapists of different schools and directions.

Why Popcorn Therapy? The film offers questions, re-examinations, identification with a story or characters, allows us to get to know the world around us just as our inner world. New psychological theories argue that watching films in a therapeutic context can help overcome personal problems, and with the professional mediation of experts and a good presentation of film can be additional therapy for addiction diseases, fear of dying and death, abandonment, abuse, the ability to reach to the viewer. The old and new film files have intuitively come to the same knowledge.

At the third session of the POPCORN THERAPY on December 18, 2017 at 19:00 in the hall of the American * Youth Center of Belgrade will be shown the film Gustava Tareta „The Walls That Share Us“ / Medianeras (Argentina, Spain and Germany, 2011).

In order to avoid being swept by urban or personal chaos, the main heroes of Marian and Martin, neighbors of strangers, are locked in quasi-safe houses, their apartments, more alive in fantasies and phobias than in reality. In spite of anxiety, which is both the main component of life, they succeed in connecting each other through the Internet, and that from the lost, they become related souls. The director, Gustavo Tareto, tells us how to blame, as well as the neuralgic points of Buenos Aires. Anima Mundi breathes through the architecture of the city in which the action takes place. „The walls that share us“ can separate us, but also connect ..

We look at the films with Zanet Princevac de Villablanca, a junior psychoanalyst and therapist.
Let’s see together what we look at!

The best popcorn in town provides „Cave“.

The KOKICE THERAPY program was realized with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia.

* Because of the large number of interested audiences, the screenings have been moved from the Club DOB!

About therapist – mediator:
Jeanette Princevac de Villablanca is a junior psychoanalyst and therapist
President of the Belgrade Analytical Circle (2004-2007), one of the founders and director of the school that formed a psychologist-oriented psychologist, a lecturer, supervisor and analyst. She has held a number of public lectures in the field of analytical psychology. Since 1999, he has been conducting his private practice


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