Johnny L'Ov 28.11.2017. Polet

Johnny L'Ov 28.11.2017. Polet
Cetinjska 15, Beograd
U utorak 28.11. sa početkom u 20h u klubu Polet priliku da se ponovi predstavi publici imaće kantautor iz Beograda „Johnny L’Ove„! On će svirati pesme sa predstojećeg albuma „The Last Night With Her“, kao i još nekoliko pesama iz svog autorskog repertoara! Zajedno sa njim nastupiće Aleksandra Dotlić kao pratnja na violini.

Ulaz je BESPLATAN! Dobro došli!! 🙂

Nikola Brkić a.k.a. Johnny L’Ove počinje da svira gitaru sa 16 godina. Pored gitare svira i usnu harmoniku. Od 2006. aktivno svira kao gitarista u više bendova, a poslednjih 7 godina svira sa bratom blizancem u bendu “ Magic Twins „. U pitanju je psihodelični akustični duo koji izvodi poznate rok, pop i bluz obrade uz snažan uticaj američkog folka.

Nikola je napisao muziku, tekst i uradio aranžman za preko 40 pesama. Godine 2013. snima svoj prvi demo singl “Addicted 2 U”, i od tada učestvuje na brojnim muzičkim festivalima medju kojima su Poezika, Unfest 2013 (Paraćin), Unfest 2015 (Beograd), Famus (Sivac), Gašini Akordi (Starčevo), Izložba Kantautora“Exposure Festival“ (Velika Gorica, Hrvatska), Beogradski Kantfest, CantOut (Polet, Beograd) i drugi. Na prvom regionalnom festivalu autorske muzike „Poezika” u Novom Sadu, sa pesmom “Addicted 2 U” na konkursu za posebne aktere festivala osvojio je najviše glasova publike. Nedavno je nastupio kao specijalan gost u Bugarskoj na ”Sofia Singer Songwriter Fest”.

Od kraja 2015. godine sa njim nastupa Aleksandra Dotlić kao pratnja na violini.

Aleksandra Dotlić je svoje studije violine završila na Akademiji Umetnosti u Novom Sadu kod profesora Dejana Mihailovića. Za vreme školovanja je bila stipendista Republičkog fonda za razvoj naučnog i umetničkog podmlatka. Osvojila je brojne nagrade na republičkim i međunarodnim takmičenjima kao solista i u kamernim sastavima, a kao izabrani predstavnik Akademije Umetnosti učestvovala je na internacionalnom festivalu u nemačkom gradu Bajrojtu 2001. i 2002. godine, međunardnom orkestarskom projektu u Berlinu pod nazivom “German Scandinavian Orchestra Week na čelu sa dirigentom Andreas Peers Kahler-om što je rezultiralo uspešnim koncertom u sali Berlinske Filharmonije.

“Johnny” trenutno radi na snimanju svog prvog albuma koji će biti akustičnog zvuka na engleskom jeziku. Muzika koju svira kreće se u rasponu od indi-folka, alternativnog kantrija i bluz-roka, popularno rečeno „Amerikane“!

Album je u završnoj fazi i trebao bi da izadje početkom naredne godine.

On Tuesday 28.11. starting at 20:00 in Club Polet, the opportunity to be presented to the audience will be given by the Johnny L’Ove co-author from Belgrade! He will play songs from the upcoming album „The Last Night With Her“, as well as a few more songs from his repertoire! Together with him will perform Aleksandra Dotlic as an escort on the violin.

The entrance is FREE! Welcome!! 🙂

Nikola Brkić a.k.a. Johnny L’Ove starts playing guitar at age 16. In addition to the guitar, he also plays a harmonica. Since 2006 he has been actively playing as a guitarist in several bands, and has been playing with his twin brother for the past seven years in the band „Magic Twins“. It’s a psychedelic acoustic duo that performs famous rock, pop, and blues processing with the strong influence of American folk.

Nikola wrote the music, the text and made an arrangement for over 40 songs. In 2013, she recorded her first single „Addicted 2 U“, and since then has taken part in numerous music festivals including Poezika, Unfest 2013 (Paracin), Unfest 2015 (Belgrade), Famus (Sivac), Gašini Akordi (Starčevo) Exposure Festival Exposure Festival (Velika Gorica, Croatia), Belgrade Canton, CantOut (Polet, Belgrade) and others. At the first regional festival of author music „Poezika“ in Novi Sad, with the song „Addicted 2 U“ in the competition for special actors of the festival won the most votes of the audience. Recently he performed as a special guest in Bulgaria at „Sofia Singer Songwriter Fest“.

From the end of 2015, Aleksandra Dotlic performs with him as an escort on the violin.

Aleksandra Dotlic graduated her violin studies at the Academy of Art in Novi Sad with professor Dejan Mihailovic. During her education, she was a scholar of the Republic Fund for the Development of Scientific and Artistic Youth. She won numerous awards at republic and international competitions as soloists and chamber ensembles, and as an elected representative of the Academy of Arts, she participated at the international festival in the German city of Bayreuth in 2001 and 2002, the international orchestral project in Berlin titled „The German Scandinavian Orchestra Week led by conductor Andreas Peers Kahler, which resulted in a successful concert in the hall of the Berlin Philharmonic.

„Johnny“ is currently working on recording his first album to be acoustic sound in English. The music she plays ranges from indi-folk, alternative cantry and blues-rock, popularly called „Americans“!

The album is in the final stage and should be released early next year.

photo: Nevena Markovic


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