GOGOL BORDELLO 01.12.2017. Tvornica kulture

GOGOL BORDELLO 01.12.2017. Tvornica kulture
Šubićeva 2, Zagreb

Gogol Bordello, omiljeni hrvatski gosti i jedan od najimpresivnijih live bendova današnjice, vraćaju se u Tvornicu kulture 1. prosinca u sklopu Seekers And Finders turneje. Kao specijalni gosti nastupit će njujorška senzacija Lucky Chops koju je naša publika već imala prilike slušati uživo.

Kombinirajući elemente punka i gypsyja s humorom i efektnim, kaotičnim i energičnim scenskim nastupima Gogol Bordello pričaju priču o imigrantima i dijaspori. Vođa benda Eugene Hütz, bježeći od katastrofe u Černobilu, postao je očaran mističnim tonovima gypsy glazbe koja ne pripada mainstreamu, ali s kojom je povezan obiteljskim korijenima. Živeći kao izbjeglica u Europi i sam je iskusio život u kojem ne pripada nigdje prije nego se preselio u SAD gdje osniva bend. Godine 1999. objavljuju prvi album “Voi-La Intruder” koji predstavlja world music zvuk sviran u punoj punk brzini. Punokrvni bend s gitarama, bubnjem, harmonikom i saksofonom zvučao je moćno, a dodatnu popularnost osigurao je i sam Hütz puštajući gypsy glazbu u klubovima. Osam studijskih izdanja kasnije praćenih nebrojenim turnejama, Eugenovim nezaustavljivim prodorom na art i filmsku scenu te podrškom globalnih superstarova poput Madonne Gogol Bordello se s pravom mogu smatrati velikim međunarodnim glazbenim zvijezdama čiju neukrotivu scensku energiju naša publika jako dobro poznaje. Tri godine nakon što su rasprodali Tvornicu kulture vraćaju se na krilima novog albuma “Seekers And Finders” koji će biti objavljen ove godine.

Gogol Bordello – “Start Wearing Purple”

Kao specijalni gosti Gogola nastupit će njujorška brassy funk petorka Lucky Chops. Nastali su 2006., no veliki proboj dogodio se prije dvije godine zahvaljujući snimaka nastupa s metro stanica po cijelom New Yorku. You Tube senzacija već je jednom rasprodala zagrebački Boogaloo, a do kraja godine čeka ih još više od 60 nastupa po cijelom svijetu. Jedan od njih dogodit će se i 1. prosinca u Tvornici kulture uz Gogol Bordello.

Lucky Chops – “Funkytown / I Feel Good”
Early bird ulaznice po cijeni od 140 kn u prodaju kreću u ponedjeljak, 17. srpnja I ta cijena će se zadržati do 31. kolovoza. Od 1. rujna do 30. studenog za ulaz će trebati izdvojiti 160 kn, a na dan koncerta 180 kn.

Službena prodajna mjesta:

Dirty old shop, Tratinska 18
Rockmark, Berislavićeva 13
Aquarius CD Shop, Varšavska 13 i Branimir centar
Dallas Music Shop Rijeka, Splitska 2a
Eventim prodajna mjesta i www.eventim.hrGogol Bordello, favorite Croatian guests and one of the most impressive live bands of today, return to the Culture Factory on December 1 as part of the Seekers And Finders tour. As special guests, the Lucky Chops New York sensation will be performed, which our audience has already had the opportunity to listen to live.

Combining Punk and Gypsy elements with humor and effective, chaotic and energetic performances by Gogol Bordello talk about the story of immigrants and diasporas. The band leader, Eugene Hütz, has been enchanted by the mystical tonality of gypsy music that does not belong to the mainstream, but with which it is linked to family roots. Living as a refugee in Europe and experiencing a life she does not belong anywhere, before she moved to the United States where she founded the band. In 1999, they released their first album „Voi-La Intruder“, which is a world music sound full of punk speed. A full-fledged band with guitar, drum, accordion and saxophone sounded powerful, and Hutz himself gave extra popularity by releasing gypsy music in the clubs. Eight studio releases later on countless tours, Eugen’s unstoppable breakthrough on art and film scene, and the support of global superstars such as Madonna Gogol Bordello can rightfully be seen as great international music stars whose unrivaled scene energy is well known to our audience. Three years after they have sold the Factory of Culture, they return to the wings of the new album „Seekers And Finders“ that will be released this year.

Gogol Bordello – „Start Wearing Purple“

As special guests Gogol will feature New York’s brassy funk five-star Lucky Chops. They were in 2006, but a major breakthrough occurred two years ago, thanks to footage from the Metro station across New York. You Tube Sensation has once sold out the Boogaloo in Zagreb, and by the end of the year there are still more than 60 performances all over the world. One of them will also take place on December 1 at the Culture Factory with Gogol Bordello.

Lucky Chops – „Funkytown / I Feel Good“
Early bird tickets for a $ 140 sale start on Monday, July 17, and this price will remain until August 31. From September 1 to November 30, the entrance fee will be 160 kn, and on the day of the concert 180 kn.

Official sales points:

Dirty old shop, Tratinska 18
Rockmark, Berislavićeva 13
Aquarius CD Shop, Varšavska 13 and Branimir Center
Dallas Music Shop Rijeka, Splitska 2a
Eventim sales points and www.eventim.hr


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