Trajanje #EUAdventa je od 30.11.2017. do 7.1.2018.
Zagreb već drugu godinu za redom nosi titulu najboljeg i najljepšeg Adventa u Europi. Iako Zagrepčani i njihovi gosti mogu uživati u blagdanskoj atmosferi na više od 20 lokacija diljem grada, jedna im se posebno “uvukla” u srce.
Riječ je o jedinom trgu s 1000 ♥, najvećem plesnom podiju na otvorenom, lokaciji koja u samom centru grada najtoplijim blagdanskim ugođajem privlači sve one koji vole urbanu atmosferu, raznolikost, upoznavati druge kulture, gastronomiju i blagdanske običaje. Lokaciji koja priliku pruža već etabliranim umjetnicima, ali i onima čije vrijeme tek dolazi.
#EUAdvent se i u trećoj godini održavanja drži provjerenog sadržajnog recepta pa ćete ispod 1000 ♥ u razdoblju od 30. 11. 2017. do 7. 1. 2018. pronaći originalnu ponudu autohtonih hrvatskih i europskih suvenira, gastro delicije iz raznih europskih zemalja i napitke koji griju dušu i tijelo te probrane glazbene i kulturne programe poput već legendarnog “Badnjak boogieja“ i “Deset štafelaja nedjeljom“. Novost su nastupi domaćih glazbenika koji će se ove godine publici na Europi predstaviti kroz tematske večeri, pa će gosti Europe ove godine plesati kako Mačci, Gadjo Manouche,Igor Gerzina Saxophonist i njegove posebne gošće, Jazzozo, White Box, Brass Christmas band i, neizostavni EDDY RAMICH sviraju.
Za najtopliju blagdansku atmosferu ispod 1000 ♥ nedostaje još samo vaše.
Vidimo se od 30. 11. 2017. do 7. 1. 2018. na Europskom trgu i svakako nam se pridružite na otvorenju 2. 12. od 20:30 h uz Jinxe!The duration of #EUAdventa is from 30.11.2017. until 7.1.2018.
For the second year in a row, Zagreb has the title of the best and most beautiful Advent in Europe. Although Zagrepčani and their guests can enjoy the holiday atmosphere in more than 20 locations around the city, one of them is particularly „drawn“ into the heart.
It is the only square with 1000 ♥, the largest dance floor in the open, a location that attracts everyone who loves the urban atmosphere, diversity, other cultures, gastronomy and festive customs in the very center of the city’s warmest holiday atmosphere. A location that offers the opportunity to the already established artists, but also to those whose time is coming.
#EUAdvent will hold a certified content recipe for the third year of the event and you will be under 1000 ♥ in the period from 30 November 2017 to 7 January 2018 to find the original offer of indigenous Croatian and European souvenirs, gastro delicacies from various European countries and beverages that warm up your soul and body, and enjoy the music and cultural programs like the legendary „Christmas Eve Boogie“ and „Ten Sunday Wagons“. The novel is the performances of local musicians who will be presenting this year to Europe’s audience through thematic evenings, so Europe’s guests this year will dance like Mačci, Gadjo Manouche,Igor Gerzina Saxophonist and his special singers, Jazzozo, White Box, Brass Christmas band and indispensable EDDY RAMICH play.
For your hottest holiday atmosphere below 1000 ♥ you only miss yours.
We will see you from 30th of November 2017 to 7th of January 2018 at the European Square and definitely join us at the opening on 2nd December at 20:30 with Jinxe!