Jasna Bilušić svestrana je hrvatska umjetnica, pa je stoga nastupila u velikom broju scensko-glazbenih predstava. Četiri godine neprekidno nastupala je u poznatom zagrebačkom B.P. clubu Boška Petrovića, a vrlo je aktivna na hrvatskoj glazbenoj sceni gdje obuhvaća brojne stilove glazbe (blues, funky, rock and roll, reggae, bossa nova i drugi). Tijekom svoje glazbene karijere snimila je po tri jazz i reggae albuma, a također je kao gost nastupila na brojnim izdanjima hrvatskih glazbenika.
Ulaz je besplatan:)
Jasna Bilušić – vokal,
Marko Bertić – gitara,
Saša Borovec – kontrabas.
https://www.facebook.com/Harmica.Jazz.Pub/New Deal jazz trio
Jasna Bilušić is a versatile Croatian artist, so she has performed in a large number of stage music performances. For four years she has been performing at the renowned Zagreb B.P. the club of Boško Petrović, and is very active on the Croatian music scene, which includes numerous styles of music (blues, funky, rock and roll, reggae, bossa nova and others). During her music career she recorded three jazz and reggae albums, and she also performed as a guest at numerous Croatian musicians’ releases.
The entry is free 🙂
Jasna Bilušić – vocals,
Marko Bertić – guitar,
Saša Borovec – double bass.