U utorak, 5. prosinca, održava se druga večer četvrte sezone KSET-ovog programa namijenjenog mladim i neovisnim bendovima te izvođačima. Na drugoj večeri dočekuju nas Harvo Jay, Sloanwall i K’o Zmaj.
Harvo Jay je osječki dream noise/noise pop trojac čiji zvuk karakteriziraju dinamične promjene i sumorni vokali. Zasad je njihova audio proizvodnja izbacila dva EP-a i 2017., prvi album Sok od agonije. Bend čine Hrvoje Dešić (gitara, vokal), Marko Pernarčić (bas, vokal) te Šimun Padovan (bubnjevi).
Sloanwall je peteročlani groove rock bend iz Zagreba koji postoji od 2014. godine te je do sada izdao dva EP izdanja pod naslovima „Dawn of light“ i „vol. II“. Sloanwallova najveća kvaliteta definitivno su njihove live izvedbe, što je potvrđeno mnogobrojnim koncertima u regiji (predgrupa Nightstalkeru- Vintage, koncert s talijanskim Game Zero, s Lost Lucid, s Tuber i Dronehunter, Tides of Youth festival na Cresu, kao organizatori Stoneville programa u zagrebačkoj Medici i dr.)
K’o Zmaj je po pitanju muzike eklektičan, a po pitanju stava angažirani rock bend teške poezije s povremenom zafrkancijom. Jedna od ključnih karakteristika su tekstovi koji često ulaze u domenu socijalno osjetljive tematike, okrenuti su čovjeku, a generalno nastoje pokriti što širi spektar ljudskih stremljenja. Zbog širokog dijapazona žanrova i utjecaja, nastup zna zvučati kao jukebox na shuffle opciji, ali kako su tu gitare, bas i bubnjevi – sve se vrti oko podžanrova rock glazbe.
Ulaznicu za koncert možete nabaviti na ulazu na dan koncerta po cijeni od 10 kn do 22:30, dok nakon 22:30 ulaz košta 15 kn. Ako skupiš sve ulaznice u finalu te čeka Volim Ljuto iznenađenje!
Dođi, podrži, poslušaj, uživaj i pozovi prijatelje! Vidimo se!
Program je djelomično financiran od strane Ministarstva kulture.
AVID produkcija
Pivovara i pivnica Medvedgrad
Robert Bašić
Treći Svijet
Volim ljutoOn Tuesday, December 5, another evening of the fourth season of the KSET program is held for young and independent bands and performers. Harvo Jay, Sloanwall and K’o Zmaj are waiting for us at the second night.
Harvo Jay is a sensational dream noise / noise pop trouca whose sound is characterized by dynamic changes and somber vocals. For the time being, their audio production has released two EPs and 2017, the first album of Aggravated Juice. The band consists of Hrvoje Dešić (guitar, vocals), Marko Pernarčić (bass, vocals) and Šimun Padovan (drums).
Sloanwall is a five-string groove rock band from Zagreb that has existed since 2014 and has released two EP titles under the title „Dawn of Light“ and „Volume II“. Sloanwall’s highest quality is definitely their live performance, as confirmed by numerous concerts in the region (Nightstalker-Vintage, Italian Game Zero Concert, Lost Lucid, Tuber and Dronehunter, Tides of Youth Festival in Cres, as Stoneville Program Organizer in Zagreb Medici i dr.)
As the Dragon is about eclectic music, in terms of attitude, the engaged rock band of heavy poetry with occasional tefloning. One of the key features are texts that often enter the domain of socially sensitive topics, turn to man, and generally seek to cover the broader spectrum of human endeavor. Due to the wide range of genres and influences, the performance can sound like a jukebox on the shuffle option, but as these guitars, bass and drums – all revolve around rock music subtleties.
You can buy a concert ticket at the entrance of the concert at a price of 10 kn to 22:30 pm, after 22:30 the entrance costs 15 kn. If you get all the tickets in the final and you are waiting I love the surprise!
Come, support, listen, enjoy and invite your friends! See you!
The program is partially funded by the Ministry of Culture.
AVID production
Brewery and pub Medvedgrad
Robert Bašić
Third World
I love hating