Najbolja i najviše nagrađivana dalmatinska klapa Cambi nastupiće 15.decembra u Sava Centru. Klapa je osnovana 1986.godine u Kaštel Kambelovcu, a ime joj potiče od splitske plemićke porodice Cambi koja je imala svoje posede na području Dalmacije. Članovi sastava su: dva akademska muzičara, profesor kineziologije, lekar, računarstvo, građevinarstva, dva vlasnika privatnih firmi, profesori biologije i hemije…….a iznad svega ljudi privrženi porodici.
Klapa Cambi je nekoliko puta pobeđivala na Festivalu dalmatinskih klapa u Omišu i u Kaštelima, kao i na međunarodnom festivalu horova u Veroni.
Prekretnica u delovanja klape je početak saradnje sa Gibonnijem. Posle toga i ostale Klapske grupe prestaju sa izvodjenjem isključivo tradicionalne pesme, a obradama popularnih kompozicija (Zdravka Čolića, Nena Belana,Massima Savića…) dobijaju novu i mlađu publiku.
U međuvremenu, kao pevački lider dolazi vrhunski tenor Vladimir Garić koji predvodi klapu do novih priznanja. Snimaju se nosači zvuka, nastupa se pred prepunim dvoranama, gostuje u brojnim TV emisijama…
U pripremi je album sa obradama najvećih svetskih hitova, a Klapa je upravo snimila video spot svetskog hita “The show must go on”, grupe Queen.
The best and most awarded Dalmatian klapa Cambi will perform on December 15 in the Sava Center. The klapa was founded in 1986 in Kastel Kambelovac, and its name comes from the split noble family Cambi, which had its estates in Dalmatia. Members of the group are: two academic musicians, a professor of kinesiology, a doctor, a bachelor of computer science, civil engineering, two owners of private companies, professors of biology and chemistry … and above all people who are attached to the family.
Klapa Cambi won several times at the Festival of Dalmatian clips in Omiš and Kastela, as well as at the international festival of choirs in Verona.
The turning point in the activity of the klapa is the beginning of cooperation with Gibonni. After that, the other Klapa groups cease to perform exclusively traditional songs, and with the treatment of popular compositions (Zdravko Čolić, Nen Belan, Massim Savić …) they get a new and younger audience.
In the meantime, the top tenor Vladimir Garić, who leads the club to new recognitions, comes as a singing leader. Sound carriers are recorded, performed in crowded halls, hosted on numerous TV shows …
In preparation is the album with the reviews of the world’s biggest hits, and Klapa has just recorded the video of the world hit „The show must go on“, the Queen group.
Ticket price: 1400 dinars