“Čarobna šerpa” je prava novogodišnja avantura koja će vam pružiti najbolje iz oba sveta u duhu novogodišnjih praznika – realnosti i magije, tipične dece i posebne dece. Predstave će se odigrati u Pozorištu i operi Madlenianum, Glavna 32, Zemun:
5.decembra 2017.god u 18.30h i
6.decembra 2017.god u 18.30h.
Cena karte je 500 RSD. Kupovinom karata podržavate rad udruženja “Svitac” kao i novogodišnje praznike dece sa smetnjama u razvoju. Čekamo vas. Hvala.“Magic bowl“ is a real New Year’s adventure that will give you the best of both worlds in the spirit of New Year’s holidays – realities and magic, typical children and special children. The performances will be played at the Theater and opera Madlenianum, Glavna 32, Zemun:
December 5, 2017 at 18.30 h
December 6, 2017 at 18.30.
The price of the ticket is 500 RSD. By purchasing tickets you support the work of the „Svitac“ association as well as the New Year holidays of children with disabilities. We are waiting for you. Thank you.