Veče vina, tanga i kabarea 07.12. Simfoniski orkestar Niš, Utorak u 20h
Sećate li se Al Paćina i njegove kultne scene tanga u ,,Mirisu žene”?
Pamtite li reči pesme ,,Mein Herr” i Lajzu Mineli sa crnim šeširom i zelenim noktima?
Da li Vam je teško da se odlučite između Leonarda Di Kaprija i Roberta Redforda u ulozi Velikog Getsbija?
Ako je Vaš odgovor na bar jedno od ovih pitanja DA, onda je ,,Veče vina, tanga i kabarea“ događaj koji ne smete propustiti!
Za sve vas koji ste se smejali i plakali uz Moulin Rouge, Chicago, All That Jazz (film), Cabaret, Take the Lead i još mnoge, mnoge druge, Rotarakt i Rotari klub Niš zajedno sa SKC-om pripemaju jedinstveni spektakl od koga će vam zastati dah!
U četvrtak, 7. decembra, na sceni Niškog simfonijskog orkestra očekuje vas magični svet pokreta, zvuka, svetlosti, kostima, boja i snažnih emocija, koji će okrepiti sva vaša čula.
Zavodljiva kombinacija plesa, glume i pesme u Vama će probuditi želju da se makar na trenutak vratite u čarobni Jazz Age i osetite duh tih čuvenih ,,roaring twenties“, dok će Vas prvi taktovi numera Libertango, El Tango De Roxanne, Por una Cabeza odvesti u vreli Buenos Ajres i Vaš užitak učiniti potpunim.
Za Vaš nezaboravan doživljaj zaduženi su:
– PK Swing Nis;
– sekstet Academics: Nikola Peković – harmonika, Igor Aleksić – violina, Aleksandar Jakovljević – violončelo, Nikola Cvetković – klavir, Stefan Šalarević – gitara, Djordje Hartl – kahon;
– Andrija Minčić – saksofon;
– Sara Abramović – klavir
– DJ ONE DISCO FAN – Zoran Jovanović;
– Jovana Djordjevic
– Miloš Unić.
Neposredno pre početka programa okupljena publika imaće prilike da se pripremi i zagreje za koncert uz kuvano vino koje će se služiti po promotivnim cenama.
Ovaj koncert deo je tradicionalnog humanitarnog projekta, koji se pod sloganom ,,Davati je božanski, primati je ljudski” sprovodi poslednjih 7 godina u organizaciji Rotarakt i Rotari kluba Niš u saradnji sa Studentskim kulturnim centrom.
Glavni motiv ove značajne akcije jeste doprinos i pomoć lokalnim zajednicama kroz trajne donacije, prvenstveno usmerene ka poboljšanju kvaliteta uslova života mladih, njihovog obrazovanja, kulture i zdravlja; stoga će sav novac prikupljen tokom koncerta biti iskorišćen za opremanje i obnovu kabineta osnovnih škola u Nišu.
Karte za ovaj događaj mogu se nabaviti u kafiću GNEZDO ili rezervacijom na broj: 064/
Cena ulaznice iznosi 400 RSD, a rezervacije će važiti 72 sata od trenutka rezervisanja.
Na dan koncerta ulaznice će biti dostupne i na biletarnici Niškog simfonijskog orkestra.
Dođite!Evening of wine, tango and cabaret 07.12. Symphony Orchestra Nis, Thurday 08 pm
Do you remember Al Pacino and his cult scenes of the Tango in the „Woman’s Smile“?
Do you remember the words „Mein Herr“ and Lisa Minelli with a black hat and green nails?
Is it difficult for you to decide between Leonard Di Capri and Robert Redford in the role of Great Getsby?
If your answer is at least one of these questions YES, then the „Eve of Wine, Tanga and Cabaret“ is an event that you must not miss!
For all of you who laughed and cried with Moulin Rouge, Chicago, All That Jazz (film), Cabaret, Take the Lead and many others, Rotaract and Rotary Club Nis together with SKC, will mark a unique spectacle from which your breath stops!
On Thursday, December 7th, on the scene of the Nis Symphony Orchestra, you will be expecting a magical world of movement, sound, light, costumes, colors and powerful emotions that will strengthen all your senses.
A seductive combination of dance, acting and song, You will wake up the desire to return for a moment to the magical Jazz Age and feel the spirit of those famous „roaring twenties“, while the first hits of the tracks El Tango De Roxanne, Por una Cabeza Take the boil in Buenos Aires and make your pleasure complete.
For your unforgettable experience, you are responsible for:
– PK Swing Nis;
– sextet Academics: Nikola Peković – accordion, Igor Aleksić – violin, Aleksandar Jakovljević – cello, Nikola Cvetković – piano, Stefan Šalarević – guitar, Djordje Hartl – kahon;
– Andrija Minčić – saxophone;
– Sara Abramovic – piano
– DJ ONE DISCO FAN – Zoran Jovanovic;
– Jovana Djordjevic
– Miloš Unić.
Just before the start of the program, the audience gathered will have the opportunity to prepare and warm up for a concert with boiled wine that will be served at promotional prices.
This concert is part of a traditional humanitarian project, which under the slogan „Give it a divine, receive human“ has been implemented for the last 7 years by Rotaract and Rotary Club Niš in cooperation with the Student Cultural Center.
The main motive of this significant action is the contribution and assistance to local communities through permanent donations, primarily aimed at improving the quality of the living conditions of young people, their education, culture and health; therefore all the money collected during the concert will be used for equipping and renovation of the cabinet of primary schools in Nis.
Tickets for this event can be purchased at the GNEZDO Café or by reservation at number: 064 / 61-44-660, by email:, and by sending a message via our FB site.
The price of the ticket is 400 RSD, and the reservation will be valid 72 hours from the moment of reservation.
On the day of the concert tickets will be available at the ticket office of the Niš Symphony Orchestra.