Blackberries bend nastao je 2012. godine, a osnovan iz ljubavi prema različitim stilovima muzike: bossa,elektro pop, slow jazz, smouth jazz, samba, drum ‘n’ bass, house…
U restoranu Stambolijski 07.12. biće zaduženi za sjajne vibracije od 20 h.
Očekujte ih i 14.12. i 28.12.2017. da ponovimo već zagarantovan provod i divno veče!
Rezervišite svoj sto:
018 / 300 440
018 / 300 444The Blackberries band was created in 2012, and is based on love for various music styles: bossa, electro pop, slow jazz, smouth jazz, samba, drum ‘n’ bass, house …
In the restaurant Stambolic 07.12. they will be in charge of great vibrations from 08 pm.
Expect them and 14.12. and 28.12.2017. to repeat the already guaranteed enjoyment and wonderful evening!
Book your table:
018/300 440
018/300 444