ZA plesni pod // Dušan Murić & Mimart 09.12.2017. Magacin

ZA plesni pod // Dušan Murić & Mimart 09.12.2017. Magacin
Kraljevića Marka 4-8, Beograd

Dragi korisnici i prijatelji Magacina 🙂

Pridružite nam se ovog vikenda u subotu, 9. decembra na crowdfunding akciji prikupljanja sredstava za obnovu poda u plesnoj sali Magacina.
U nedelju dođite na Apsurd jedne apstraktne zimske večeri u kome učestvuju CIRKUSFERA i Hleb Teatar u Magacinu, kao i na performansApatia & Itall @ Ostavinska galerija.

Za subotu smo pripremili program i malo druženja, kao i kutiju za donacije koja će se šetkati tokom Piratskog diska Dušana Murića i performansa koje za nas izvodi Teatar Mimart.


💥Dušan Murić
Piratski disko

Moderirani impro jam. Puštamo muziku i video sa interneta i đuskamo, kao u dnevnoj sobi, kao na žurci: ,,A da čuješ/vidiš samo još ovo!’’. To može da bude pregled melodičnog hardkora osamdesetih ili meditacija uz opskurni minimal techno, ili presek rada grupe Metric, a može da bude i ,,skidanje” pokreta/koreografije Vima Vandekejbusa ili Akrama Kana ili Dalije Aćin Thelander ili iz spotova grupe Moloko, kao i đuskanje na dada poeziju ili poeziju bitnika… A možete i da ne obraćate pažnju na sve te spoljašnje podsticaje i da mrdate u svom ritmu, neko će vam se već pridružiti.

💥Teatar Mimart
Veče Art performansa Mimart

Umetnici, članovi i saradnici, izvešće nekoliko sukcesivnih interaktivnih performansa sa publikom.


Sve donacije idu u fond za obnovu plesnog poda u jedinoj sali u Beogradu koja se može koristiti besplatno ili za malu participaciju u troškovima održavanja prostora.Dear users and friends Magacina 🙂

Join us this weekend on Saturday, December 9, at the crowdfunding action campaign for the renovation of the floor in the dance hall of Magacin.
On Sunday, come to Apsurd of one abstract winter evenings in which CIRKUSFERA and Bread Theater in Magacin take part, as well as the Apatia & Itall @ Ostavins  Gallery performance.

For Saturday, we prepared a program and a little gathering, as well as a donation box that will be waved during the Pirates disc Dušan Murić and performances performed by Teatar Mimart for us.

The program:

💥Dušan Murić
05 pm
Pirate disco

Moderated improvisation jam. We play music and videos from the Internet and we snoop, as in the living room, as at the party: „And to hear / you only see this!“ It can be a review of the melodious hardcore of the ’80s or meditations with the obscure minimal techno, or the cross-section of the Metric group, and may also be’ downloading ‘the movement / choreography by Vim Vandekejbus or Akram Khan or Daliya Aqin Thelander or from the spots of the Moloko group, as well as snooping on dada poetry or the poetry of the battles … And you can not pay attention to all these external incentives and move in your rhythm, someone will join you.

💥Teatar Mimart
08 pm
Evening Art Performance Mimart

Artists, members and associates will perform several successive interactive performances with the audience.


All donations go to the dance floor renovation fund in the only room in Belgrade that can be used for free or for small participation in the costs of maintaining the space.


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