Dramski tekst i režija: Jelena Kajgo
Koreografija: Una Đuričić, Helena Ćelap i Anja Milosavljević
Muzika: Aleksandra Đokić
Kostim: Selena Orb
Igrači/ce: Una Vujošević, Natalija Đečević, Nikola Živković, Anja Milosavljević, Jakša Filipovac, Una Đurišić, Helena Ćelap, Sara Tošić, Tamara Mirković, Nađa Novaković, Tijana Ostojić, Olga Crnoseljanski, Milica Ljubić
Izvršna produkcija: Jovana Janjić
Odnosi s javnošću i protokol: Slavica Hinić, Vesna Bogunović
Šef tehnike: Ljubomir Radivojević
Inspicijentkinja: Maja Jovanović
Svetlo: Dragan Đurković, Igor Milenković
Ton: Miroljub Vladić, Jugoslav Hadžić
Foto: Sonja Žugić
Garderoberka: Marta Narančić
Dekorateri: Goran Gavrančić, Aleksandar Marinković, Vladan Milošević
BITEF teatar, 25.12.2017. u 20.00 sati.
Reprize u decembru 2017. godine: 26. (u 11.00 sati), 27 i 28. (u 20.00 sati).
Plesna predstava za decu i mlade Pepeljuga nastavak je repertoarske politike BITEF dens kompanije da neguje i razvija plesne predstave za najmlađu publiku. Do sada su realizovane predstave za decu – Kapetan Džon Piplfoks i Ale i bauci u koreografiji Isidore Stanišić, i San žute čarape u koreografiji Dalije Aćin Thelander.
Predstava Pepeljuga predstavlja i prvi korak u formiranju mlade BITEF dens kompanije, sa igračima koji su učenici Srednje baletske škole Lujo Davičo na odseku za Savremenu igru, kojima bi nastupi u predstavama na sceni BITEF teatra bili dragocena scenska praksa.
U predstavi Pepeljuga učestvuje devet igrača, učenika drugog i trećeg razreda Srednje baletske škole.
Dramaturškom obradom, kao i scenskim konceptom i kostimom, predstava je transponovana u današnje vreme, i samim tim bliska je novim, mladim generacijama. U skladu sa ovakvom adaptacijom, radnja predstave se odvija danas, u Srbiji, a obrada teksta daje višestruke mogućnosti. Na prvom mestu, decu edukuje da je bolje biti skroman i vredan, a ne nametljiv i agresivan. Zatim, budući da se jedan deo predstave odvija na plesnom takmičenju, gledaoci su u mogućnosti da se upoznaju sa različitim plesnim stilovima, poput flamenka, salse, klasičnog baleta, hip hopa, valcera… Na taj način, predstava populariše savremenu igru, formira buduću publiku za ovu vrstu teatra, a takođe, različiti stilovi umetničke igre mogu zainteresovati decu i mlade, da se i sami njima bave, i tako na najlepši način obogate period svog odrastanja. (Jelena Kajgo, autorka i umetnička direktorka BITEF dens kompanije.
Cena pojedinačne ulaznice=600,oo dinara.
Radno vreme blagajne BITEF teatra: od 18.00 do 20:00 sati (danima kada se igraju predstave).
Rezervacije telefonom: +381 69 899 24 00 (od 10.00 do 14.00 sati i od 18.00 do 20:00 sati).
Rezervacije e-mailom:
– 50% popusta na cenu ulaznica za studente (uz indeks), đake i penzionere.
– 30% popusta na cenu ulaznica za organizovane grupe, članove klubova čitalaca: Laguna, Vulkan i Arhipelag.BITEF TEATAR
Dramatic text and direction: Jelena Kajgo
Choreography: Una Djuricic, Helena Celap and Anja Milosavljevic
Music: Aleksandra Djokic
Costume: Selena Orb
Players: Una Vujošević, Natalija Đečević, Nikola Živković, Anja Milosavljević, Jakša Filipovac, Una Đurišić, Helena Ćelap, Sara Tosic, Tamara Mirkovic, Nadja Novakovic, Tijana Ostojic, Olga Crnoseljanski, Milica Ljubic
Executive production: Jovana Janjić
Public Relations and Protocol: Slavica Hinić, Vesna Bogunović
Head of the technique: Ljubomir Radivojević
Inspector: Maja Jovanović
Light: Dragan Đurković, Igor Milenković
Tone: Miroljub Vladic, Jugoslav Hadzic
Photo: Sonja Žugić
Wardrobe: Marta Narancic
Decorators: Goran Gavrančić, Aleksandar Marinković, Vladan Milošević
BITEF Theater, December 25, 2017. at 20.00.
Reprises in December 2017: 26. (at 11.00), 27 and 28 (at 20.00).
Dance show for children and young Pepeljuga continues the repertory policy of BITEF dens company to nurture and develop dance performances for the youngest audience. So far, the performances for children have been realized – Captain John Piplfoks and Ale and bows in choreography Isidora Stanišić, and San yellow socks in choreography Dalija Aćin Thelander.
The Cinderella performance is also the first step in the formation of the young BITEF dance company, with players who are students of the Secondary Ballet School Lujo Davičo at the Contemporary Contest section, which would perform in the performances on the BITEF theater scene, were valuable stage practice.
In the Cinderella performance, nine players, students of the second and third grade of the Middle Ballet School, participate.
Dramaturgic processing, as well as stage concept and costume, the performance is transposed today, and therefore it is close to new, younger generations. In accordance with this adaptation, the performance of the show takes place today in Serbia, and the processing of the text provides multiple possibilities. In the first place, children learn that it is better to be humble and worthy, not intrusive and aggressive. Then, since one part of the performance takes place at the dance competition, viewers are able to get to know various dance styles, such as flamenco, salsa, classic ballet, hip hop, valcer … In this way, the show is popular with modern dance, future audiences for this kind of theater, and also different styles of artistic games can interest children and young people, to deal with them themselves, and in the most beautiful way enrich your growing season. (Jelena Kajgo, author and art director of BITEF Dens Company.
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The price of individual tickets = 600, oo dinars.
Working hours of the BITEF Theater Theater: from 18:00 to 20:00 (the days when the performances are played).
Reservations by phone: +381 69 899 24 00 (from 10.00 to 14.00 and from 18.00 to 20.00 hours).
Booking by e-mail:
– 50% discount on the price of tickets for students (next to index), pupils and pensioners.
– 30% discount on the price of tickets for organized groups, members of club readers: Laguna, Vulkan and Archipelago.