Stoned Heads meets DJ Shit 30.12. Feedback, Subota 23h
Razapeti između vremenskih drvenih dvokolica prošlosti i čeličnih sundjera sadašnjice sa kolektivnom percepcijom da prostor i vreme postoje da bi se shvatilo to da je nihilizam prijatno popodne u poređenju sa njihovim performansom gde kombinuju sve ono loše što se lošim može nazvati, i drže do toga da je njihova muzika još jedno umetničko pro era vanje, ova četvorka ne preporučuje ono što jeste.
Ovaj bend prihvata današnje poimanje muzike putujući od bluza, džeza, drum n bass, do trip- hopa, ambijentala …
Podršku će pružiti DJ Shit
Željko Ljubić – gitara
Marijan Cvetanović – truba
Bojan Bojkovic– synt
Miloš Vojvodić – drumStoned Heads meets DJ Shit 30.12. Feedback, Saturday 11 pm
Torn between the time’s wooden chariot of the past and the steel sponge of today with the collective perception that space and time exist to realize that the nihilism makes a pleasant afternoon compared to their performance, which combines all the bad things as they are and hold to the fact that the their music is another artistic, these four do not recommend what they are.
This band accepts today’s understanding of music traveling from blues, jazz, drum n bass, to trip-hop, ambience…
Guest: DJ Shit
Željko Ljubić – gitara
Marijan Cvetanović – truba
Bojan Bojkovic– synt
Miloš Vojvodić – drum