Dve strane sveta – fotografija 11 – 17.12.2017. Oficirski Dom

Dve strane sveta – fotografija 11 – 17.12.2017. Oficirski Dom
Orlovića Pavla 28a, Niš
11.Dec.2017 - 17.Dec.2017

Izložba fotografija pod nazivom „Dve strane sveta“ autora Ivana Mančića i Nikole Jovanovića biće otvorena u ponedeljak, 11. decembra 2017. godine u 18h u Oficirskom domu u Nišu. Izložba će trajati do 17. decembra.

Autori žele da kroz set fotografija nastalih tokom putovanja u Južnoj Americi i Japanu prikažu ljude, predele, arhitekturu i kulturu ovih dalekih zemalja. Osim fotografija, posetioci će moći da vide i video zapise nastalih tokom ovih putovanja, kao i da sa autorima pričaju o iskustvima i anegdotama tokom obilaska Južne Amerike i Japana.

Izložbu fotografija „Dve strane sveta“ finansijski su podržali autori, a realizovao je „Centar za unapređenje društvene svesti – Super građanin“ uz pomoć Kancelarije za mlade grada Niša i Sportskog centra Čair.An exhibition of photographs titled „Two Worlds“ by authors Ivan Mancic and Nikola Jovanovic will be opened on Monday, December 11, 2017 at 6 pm at the Oficirski dom in Nis. The exhibition will last until December 17th.

The authors want to show the people, landscapes, architecture and culture of these distant countries through a set of photos taken during the trip to South America and Japan. In addition to photographs, visitors will also be able to see videos made during these trips, as well as to talk with authors about experiences and anecdotes during the tour of South America and Japan.

The exhibition of photographs „Two Worlds of the World“ was financially supported by the authors, and it was implemented by the „Center for the Advancement of Social Consciousness – Super Citizen“ with the help of the Youth Office of the City of Niš and the Sports Center Čair.


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