Bend Evolucija osnovao je u Švajcarskoj 2007. basista Dragiša Marinjes u Black Stage caffe club
Godine 2007. objavljuju album prvenac „Baklja slobode“ za najstariju nezavisnu izdavačku kuću u Srbiji – Take it or leave it. Slede promotivni nastupi u Srbiji i Švajcarskoj (Montreux jazz festival). Iste godine izlazi i video spot za pesmu „Kralj“. Pored nastupa grupa snima noseću temu „Pale Rider“ za nemački film „Templari“. Sa rediteljem Andreasom Lefflerom snimljen je i video spot za „Pale Rider“ na ruševinama dvorca u Zell-u. Evolucija je nastupala kao počasni gost na promociji filma u Minhenu.
Nova stranica u karijeri Evolucije otvara 2012. kada se Dragiša, zajedno sa pevačicom Ilanom Marinjes Von Arx (rođenom Švajcarkinjom) seli u Srbiju i od tada je baza grupe Evolucija u Ćupriji. U nešto izmenjenoj postavi naredne tri godine grupa nastupa na moto skupovima i letnjim festivalima.
U jesen 2014. Evolucija počinje sa radom na drugom studijskom albumu. Album je sniman u Kragujevačkom studiju „*** omladine“ sa producentom Draganom Uroševićem i snimateljem Ivanom Ilićem. Drugi studijski album pod imenom „Igra počinje“ svetlost dana je ugledao 15. marta 2016. I drugi studijski album izdat je za izdavačku kuću Take it or leave it. Za singlove „Letim“, „Kao iz sna“ i „Nisam za tebe ja“ urađeni su video spotovi. Album dobija odlične ocene muzičkih kritičara u zemlji i inostranstvu i nailazi na odličan prijem kod publike. Grupa je odmah po izlasku albuma krenula na promotivnu turneju. Pored klubova, moto skupova i gradskih trgova izdvajaju se nastupi na „Vrnjačkom karnevalu“, „Beogradskom Beer festu“ i „Beogradskom autorskom rok festivalu“. U sklopu promocije albuma urađena je i Beogradska promocija albuma u prostorijama Udruženja rok muzičara Srbije.
U pripremi je i Engleska verzija albuma „Igra počinje“.
Vokal: Ilana Marinjes-von Arx,
Bas gitara: Dragiša Marinjes,
Solo gitara: Stevan Miletić,
Ritam gitara: Igor Miladinović
Bubnjevi: Goran Nikolić
„ is a non-stop tsunami of further catchy and oh so melodic tracks that come pounding out of the speakers… and I must say I do rather like this all killer no filler release – very catchy and very melodic… 9/10 (Dave)www.ravenheartmusic.comBend Evolution was founded in Switzerland in 2007 by bassist Dragiša Marinjes at Black Stage caffe club
In 2007 they released the debut album „The Bakle of Freedom“ for the oldest independent publishing house in Serbia – Take it or leave it. Following are promotional performances in Serbia and Switzerland (Montreux jazz festival). That same year, a video for the song „Kralj“ comes out. In addition to performing, the band records the theme „Pale Rider“ for the German film „Templars“. With the director Andreas Leffler, a video for „Pale Rider“ was recorded on the ruins of the castle in Zell. Evolution was an honorary guest at the promotion of the film in Munich.
The new page in the career of Evolution opens in 2012 when Dragiša, together with singer Marjanes Von Arx (born in Switzerland), moved to Serbia and has since been the base of the Evolution group in Cuprija. In a somewhat changed position for the next three years, a group performs at motorcycles and summer festivals.
In autumn 2014. Evolution starts working on another studio album. The album was filmed in the Kragujevac studio „*** omladine“ with producer Dragan Urošević and filmmaker Ivan Ilic. The second studio album, titled „The Game Begins,“ was seen on March 15, 2016, and the second studio album was released for the Take It or leave it. For singles „Letim“, „Like a Dream“ and „I’m Not For You“ video videos have been made. The album receives excellent reviews from music critics in the country and abroad and comes across with an excellent audience reception. After the release of the album, the band started a promotional tour. In addition to clubs, motorcycles and city squares, performances are presented at „Vrnjačka carnival“, „Belgrade Beer Fest“ and „Belgrade Authorship Rock Festival“. Within the promotion of the album, the Belgrade album promotion took place in the premises of the Association of Rock Musicians of Serbia.
The English version of the album „The Game Begins“ is under preparation.
Vocals: Ilana Marinjes-von Arx,
Bass guitar: Dragiša Marinjes,
Solo guitar: Stevan Miletic,
Rhythm guitar: Igor Miladinović
Drums: Goran Nikolic
„ is a non-stop tsunami of further catchy and oh so melodic tracks that come pounding out of the speakers … and I must say I do rather like this all killer no filler release – very catchy and very melodic .. 9/10 (Dave)