Serbian Hellbangers u saradnji sa SKC Novi Sad
ponosno predstavlja:
PESTILENCE + Rebaelliun + Violentor
Live – 12. 02. 2018. SKC Fabrika, Novi Sad – 20h
Tri godine nakon svog premijernog predstavljanja domaćoj publici veterani death thrash metal scene Pestilence dolaze u Novi Sad.
Na predstojećoj turneji bend je za sve fanove pripremio godinama očekivani i priželjkivani specijalni oldschool set i izvodiće numere samo sa prva četiri kultna albuma: Consuming Impulse, Malleus Maleficarum, Testimony of the Ancients i Spheres. Ova izdanja svrstavaju se u sami vrh svetske metal scene, a bend ih od 90ih godina nije izvodio uživo tako da nas definitivno očekuje ekskluzivno i unikatno metal veče.
Specijalni gosti na koncertu biće brazilski death metal bend Rebaelliun kao i italijanski thrasheri Violentor.
Ulaznice u prodaji od 01. novembra:
– Pretprodaja 2.000din
– Na dan koncerta 2.500din
Prodajna mesta: Gigstix
Ulaznice u prodaji od 01.11. u celoj GIGS TIX prodajnoj mreži.
Serbian Hellbangers in cooperation with SKC Novi Sad
proudly presents:
PESTILENCE + Rebaelliun + Violentor
Live – 12. 02. 2018. SKC Fabrika, Novi Sad – 20h
Three years after his premiere presentation to the local audience, veterans of the death thrash metal scene Pestilence are coming to Novi Sad.
On the upcoming tour, the band has prepared for the fans all the expected and desired specials oldschool set for years and will perform only with the first four cult albums: Consuming Impulse, Malleus Maleficarum, Testimony of the Ancients and Spheres. These releases are ranked at the very top of the world metal scene, and the band has not been performing them live since the 1990s, so we are definitely expecting exclusive and unique metal night.
Special guests at the concert will be the Brazilian death metal band Rebaelliun as well as the Italian thrasher Violentor.
Tickets for sale from November 1:
– Pre-selling 2,000din
– On the day of the concert,
Sales points: Gigstix
Tickets for sale from 01.11. throughout the GIGS TIX sales network.