Galerija PODROOM, 15.12. u 14h
Artem Ušan je ruski filmski kustos, živi i radi u Berlinu. Ušan je u svet savremene umetnosti ušao krajem devedesetih godina, kada je na Moskovskom univerzitetu upoznao članove kolektiva RADEK. Učestvovao je u raznim akcijama i projektima Radek grupe pre nego što je započeo samostalnu karijeru 2004. godine. Od 2010. godine Artem Ušan se seli u Berlin i počinje da radi sa pokretnim slikama kao umetnik i kustos. Na Univerzitetu umetnosti u Berlinu u februaru 2015. godine odbranio je tezu na temu „Aspekti filmske kustoske prakse“ i osnivač je WIPE festivala amaterskog filma čija je premijera bila u Oktobru 2016. godine.
Ušan će pričati o izložbi u galeriji PODROOM, KCB, koju je kurirao – „Život tokom smrti: kratki filmovi Jevgenija Jufita“, o filmskoj kustoskoj praksi i o WIPE festivalu amaterskog filma u Berlinu.
Predavanje će biti održano na engleskom jeziku.
DOBRODOŠLI!PODROOM Gallery 15.12. at 2pm
Artem Ushan is Russian film curator based in Berlin. His encounter with contemporary art happened after he met at the Moscow University the members of the art collective RADEK. He participated in some actions and projects of RADEK before he started his solo career in 2004. After moving to Berlin in 2010, Artem Ushan started to work with moving images as an artist as well as a curator. In 2015 he successfully defended a thesis on the topic «Aspects of a film curatorial practice» at the Berlin University of the Arts. As a part of his ongoing research on the topic of exhibiting moving images he created the WIPE amateur film festival and it was premiered on the October 2016.
Ushan will talk about the new exhibition at the PODROOM Gallery of Cultural Centre of Belgrade, which he curated – „Life during the death: Short films of Yevgeny Yufit“, also about the film curatorial practice and WIPE amateur film festival in Berlin.
The presentation will be held in English.